31. In Guyana

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After a long drive Yasmin fell asleep on my arm, she looked so beautiful. I can stay here just admiring her forever, she's too perfect for me, oh look I can even see her little mustache, I chuckle.

"Yoo lover boy, how did you and my sister meet?" Umar asked me.

"Ah.. we umm met at the umm.." fuck Sebastian think I can't tell her brother how we actually met. "We met at the Cafe shop,

"Oh" he muttered, "how long have you two known each other?" He asked

"Ah 1 year ago" biggest lie ever, just great Sebastian.

"For real you know she never told me, I guess she mussy frightened we mother. Oh me must warn yuh de lady love to ask questions so prepare yuh self" Umar said.

I chuckle, "I will be prepared" I said, ok now I'm nervous for once in a lifetime I got nervous, it's just I don't want mess this up, this means alot to Yasmin, see what she's doing to me now i am becoming whole different person, but it's for the best.

"Don't worry she wouldn't bite you" Alex laughed,

"Or maybe she well, when it comes to her daughter she's the most protective," Umar said.

"Don't worry I bet she's gonna like me, I'm good with charming people" I stated it's true I can talk my way out of anything I'm kinda good at manipulating people, thanks to Antonio that's coglione (fucker).

"Your charms to ki......" Alex stopped himself, that's shit head would have told Umar what we used to do.

"Alex I think you drink too much wine back there" I said harshly, he turn his head staring out the window in silent he knew I was mad, Alex doesn't think before he speak sometime, that's what i am worried about because when he goes back to Italy to fulfill his position as Don they will be problems.

Yasmin adjusted herself by bringing her head up to my neck, she slowly opened her beautiful brown eyes as she gazed at me, "how was the nap?" I asked softly, placing a small kiss on her forehead. And just like that my anger has vanishes,

"It was ok," she mumbled softly.

She moved her gaze toward the bus window looking outside, "which part we deh?" She asked Umar.

"Eh eh you wake up, we near reach Kingston Seawall" Umar told her, she quickly moved off me then proceeded to stare out the windows enjoying the view, To be honest I was kinda confused I didn't know anywhere here, the place was beautiful though the trees, especially the river I saw on the way, Yasmin was excited, she was smiling alot I knew she missed her home, now I'm so happy I can live this moment with her.


Couple minutes later

We finally made it, I don't even know where I was, I was so lost. We came out the bus Alex and Umar get the bags, Yasmin took my hands leading me into a big yard, I looked around the place, it was like a neighborhood with different type of houses here , Yasmin mother yard was fill with different types of flowers plants in front, the grass was well cutted everything was nice, their house was big but not too big like the one we have in Italy but it's was a two-story house, there was a stairs leading up at the side of the house what looks like a front door.

"Are you nervous?" Yasmin asked as we stood by the stairs.

"Kinda, are you?" I asked her.

"Yes my mom is so weird, by the way please don't tell her we are married before she gets mad" she said.

"Don't worry I wouldn't, I did heard you back there when you told your brother I was your boyfriend, and also I kinda told him we met at the Cafe shop and that we were dating for 1 year" I told her.

"Cafe shop" she laughed

"What I had to think of something quick" i stated but she just kept laughing.

"Yoo yall go up"

Umar shouted behind us pulling the suitcases along with Alex.

Yasmin looked at me and then went up the stairs I followed behind her, she then knocked on the wooden door.

I knew she was nervous. I could see her hands shaking. Yasmin was so excited. I mean I would be the same if I hadn't seen my mother in so long.

"Meh a come" we heard her mom's voice, shouted

from inside as she open the door, she saw Yasmin in front, her mom froze in shock, her mom was the older version of Yasmin, she had similar skin tone as Umar, she was thick up she also has the same brown eyes as Yasmin, and her hair was cutted short and she had red streaks inside,.

"Hi mom"



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