19. My weakness

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"Hey boss"

"Alex" I said in joy, I hugged him, "come in"

I invited him "take a seat" I said as I pour some liquor for us. I give him a glass and I take a seat next to him.
"So what happen?" I ask curiously

"Boss it was madness, they try to kill me", he lifted up his shirt showing me his bullet wounds they shot him in his ribs.

"Shit" I growled

"Don't worry I'm ok but ummm..." He take a sip of his drink.

"Leonardo kidnapped Luca Changretta daughter "

"What!!!" I shouted

"Yeah i meet up with him, he told me what happen apparently, Lisa was going to school one morning, Leonardo men shot the driver and take her"

"She's only 9 what the fuck is wrong with Leonardo" i said harshly.

"I was saying that samething" .
"Boss Changretta needs help getting back his daughter, his men can't save her, he was asking for you but I told him you got yourself in some problems too" Alex said bowing his head.

"Alex I can't help him" I said, I feel so bad I can't do anything, the Changretta's always been there for me all these years and now I can't even help them.

"I know boss but still we can try, I know you have a wife now and that her protection comes first but come on Sebastian this is Changretta we are talking about, his kid we need to help" he said trying to persuad me

If I help Changretta I can use him for protection, he is already doing me a favor protecting my mom from those basters I can't ask him again,

"but why did they kidnap his child ?" I asked Alex

"Sebastian Antonio is dead" he said his voice was cold.

"What, how?" I asked curiously

"Luca Changretta killed him, they had a ball a week ago they both attended apparently Antonio wanted to start another war with the Changretta's he shot Luca wife infront his eyes, Luca taked out his pistol and shooted Antonio in his head the bullet went right through, Luca wife die in his arms, after that big shoot out happen Luca barely made it out alive, now Leonardo want revenge, you're not his target anymore well not his first priority right now".

"Leonardo wouldn't stop until Changretta is dead, he target his daughter because he knows Changretta weakness is family" I stated.

"Mhmm, now he is Don he has more power now" Alex said.

"We need to help Changretta", I know I shouldn't get involved but I have too. "We are leaving for Italy tonight" I said

"now that's what I wanna hear" Alex said his voice all hype up.

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