39. Mr Suspicious

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I fucked it up I can't even lie, then I pin the blame on Kaya, "Kaya I apologize for putting you in my place" i said softly.

"Girl its finee, I understand you didn't want Mr Suspicious to know... yet" she handed me the test.

"I know I will have to tell him if I am pregnant " I grab the test out of her hand then shut the bathroom door behind me. I can't believe I am doing this the day before my wedding.

I raised up my big heavy Indian wear, I proceeded to pee on the stick, which was so damn awkward, after I was finished I had to wait for a while so I washed up and opened up the door to allow Kaya to enter.

"So?" She asked excited

"We have to wait" I say disappointed

"Oh....." she said, staring into the mirror in front of her, we both went silent after that, my mind was all over the place, there was a lot of WHAT IF and it also scares me, if this test is positive what will happen next what do I do, am I even ready to become a mother, and then Sebastian what will he say about this, then again if it's negative will it be a good thing or a bad thing, this was all so confusing to me.

After the couple minutes it was time to check, "its time bitch" Kaya said with a smile.

"Oh fuck" I place my hands by my temple.

"Come on, it's going to be ok baby momma" she said, teasing me.

"Stop, don't call me that" I grunted. I then picked up the test then I saw.

"Oh fucking God bitch!" Kaya shouted before covering her mouth.

It was positive, "i.... I am fucking pregnant.. shit" I muttered. I mean was I expecting this or not I don't know.

"I knew it to be honest I knew u were pregnant" Kaya blurted out.

"What am I going to do?" I said in a worried tone.

"Tell Sebastian "

"What, Kaya how?" I asked, something in me was scared to tell him what if he doesn't want this child.

"What you mean how, just tell him yoo I am pregnant" she said so boldly without caring what he thinks.

"I wish it was that simple"

"It is that simple" she replied, patting me behind my back, "come on cheer up, it's going to be ok alright you got me"

"Your right, its just I keep thinking of the negative side to this" I said, placing my head on Kaya's shoulder.

"I know booboo but you never know maybe Mr Suspicious like babies" she chuckled.

"You never know right" I let out a small chuckle, trying to keep away my bad thoughts about this.

"Now Come along let's go downstairs back before people wonder where the bride run off too, and you know how Mr Suspicious gets when he doesn't see his wife around" Kaya said, hugged me tightly then released.

I chuckle "Yes your right let's go"



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