32. The Family

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"Hi mom" I said my voice was shaking, she just stood there looking at me her face was cold will not really I can't even read her emotions. But then her gaze move towards Sebastian she looked at him up and down, then her gaze moved back towards me. I was nervous as fuck, even my ass was sweating at this point. If you have Guyanese parents or Caribbean parents in general you would understand when it comes to daughters bringing home a guy for their parents to meet oh lord it be the worst. But then all of a sudden her facial expression changed and went to a smile, she opened her arms and embraced me tightly.

"Its so good to see you " she squeezed me and placed a kiss on my cheeks.

"Same here mom" I said with joy, I felt happy, and also emotionally I missed her so much. She then ended the hug and then she glance at Sebastian who was standing behind me quietly, he was nervous as hell which was so funny to me, I never seen Sebastian like this most of the times he's all emotionless, cold, well let's just say the devil but when it comes to meeting my mother he is nervous.

"Who's this?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh umm mom this is Sebastian my boyfriend" i told her my voice crumbled, fuck please don't scream at me I keep saying in my mind.

"Boyfriend?" She said looking at me up and down like she was ready to quarrel.

"Hi Mrs Salvatore " Sebastian said softly, stretching his hand out to shake hers. Oh fuck she's gonna curse he skunt, I panic but instead she smiled and shaked his hands and then wink at me.

Umm that's weird but thank God.

"For once you find somebody gyal, you know how long me been waiting for this day" she said in a joyful tone.

Sebastian gave her a small smile then looked back at me and winked.

He's one lucky one. All these years I was afraid of this day me bringing home someone I actually love and my mom would dislike them but I guess that fear is over.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?,I didn't even cook anything,

"I wanted to surprise you"

"That's why that lazy wake up early this morning to go buy gas for he bus" she said rolling her eyes at my brother.

"I told him not to say anything"

I laughed.

"And who's that now?" She ask when she saw Alex coming up the steps.

"That's my friend Alex " Sebastian said, "oh" my mom murmured. Alex shaked her hand but then placed a kiss at the back of her hand. "I see where Yasmin got her beauty from," he said in a charming tone.

My mom laughed at him, "OK that's enough" I said, taking my mom's hand away from his, "Alex you should take the bags inside" Sebastian muttered.

"Umar help him," my mom said.

"Noo Alex would love to do that, no need Umar" I stated showing Alex the bags. As we follow my mom into the house.

"Alex you can place those bags in the middle room" my mom said pointing showing him the room.

"My room" I stated, I follow Alex as he entered my childhood room, it's exactly a surprise my mom didn't move anything. Everything was left the same, my posters of Zlatan Ibrahimović when he played for Manchester united, and also my Chris Gayle poster. Let's just say I was a sports girl growing up well mostly because my family was big sports fans, especially my Dad. He's the reason I love sports, I just miss he couldn't be here to see me now.

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