56|Back Again!

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General POV
The Avengers were sat in the meeting room quietly. None of them really knew what to say. "That was fucked up" Sam says, speaking up from the long silence.

"Hydra has changed, they were never like that with me. They still did some shit but never anything like that. They did what they needed for me to become the 'perfect assassin' as they would say, but they only trained me" Bucky announces. He is not the only one in the room with experience in Hydra. Both Wanda and Pietro decide against speaking up about their experience at Hydra due to how little there is to speak about. They didn't exactly have it good but it was lots more mild compared to others, along with it being their own choice.

"It seems it was more personal for Riley and what Hydra did to her" Clint says, everyone agrees.

"I feel horrible for having to do that to her but i know we had to" Steve says, Bucky rubs his metal thumbs against the back of Steve hands reassuringly.

"I know, but we needed the information so we can take Hydra down for good this time and stop them from doing anything like this again. Do you think Riley is safe?" Natasha questions curious.

"She mentioned something about a tracker so I assume she removed that and got rid of it. If Hydra was with her for her life they probably had precautions" Bruce says.

"Will Riley come back to school?" Peter asks, the question directed more towards Tony than anyone else.

"If she wants to" Tony offers in response "But we should probably give her a couple of weeks before rushing her back, its not desperate" He adds.

"Okay, I'm going to check on her, I need to Visit Aunt May and tell some people from school that have been worried about Riley" Peter says before leaving the room.

"I need to do some stuff in the lab, see you later" Bruce says, Tony nods suggesting he does too, and goes with him.

Everyone slowly filters out of the room eventually, not really finding any need to stay there.

Meanwhile, Peter is in the main room, he walked through and nearly fell over his own feet due to being in such a rush. This resulted in Riley being awoken. She open her eyes and look around the room panicked from the sudden noise.

"Oh, sh- sugar. Sorry Riley" Peter exclaims, Riley calms down realising she is safe and bursts out laughing at Peter's choice of words.

"Sugar! Why, its not like Steve is around, and I am certainly not going to shout 'language' if you decide to swear, that would be so hypocritical of me" Riley says when managed to calm her laughs into small occasional giggles.

Peter smiled. He liked seeing Riley happier and was glad he was the cause. He hadn't seen Riley laugh in a while.

"Sorry, I was in a rush. I was going to speak to May, and tell Ned, MJ and I, thats it actually" Peter says shyly. Riley nods and get up to walk with him.

"Can I come?" Riley asks "I haven't seen May in a long time. You could tell Ned and MJ to meet you there too" Riley suggests.

"I'll check with May when we arrive, and of course you can come" Peter smiles. "Oooo, we can swing there" he adds enthusiastically. Riley nods.

"God, I haven't swung around in ages" She says.

The duo walk to their rooms and suit up before jumping out of their windows and meeting just outside the compound. A wide smile is present on both of their masked faces.

"I have missed this feeling so much. It's so freeing" Riley says cheerfully, she has loved swinging, she always found it so freeing, distracting and just amazing.

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