Chapter 2: Please just kiss me

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"take me." i whispered out quietly.

"take me." i repeated over and over.

"take me." i shouted, standing on the ledge, looking down at the people below me avoid the shattered glass.

"take me." i said and closed my eyes while spreading my arms out.

"hey!" a voice from me called from behind.

i turned quickly to see this girl. She had teal hair and a beanie on.

"what do you want? get out of here!" i yelled shuffling back.

"hey! hey! come on, talk to me. trust me you don't wanna do this." she said.

"did you not hear me? i said get the fuck out of here!" i shouted.

"just give me your hand, we can sort this out." she said.

i looked into her eyes. pretty.

"do you trust me?" she asked.

she took a few steps closer and moved away.

"just give me your hand, i'll help you." she told me.

she reached out for me with her hand, inching closer and closer. i pushed backwards but with one swift movement she ran up to me and grabbed my hand. i was now dangling from the rooftop.

"fuck! give me your other hand!" she yelled reaching in as i clutched hers tightly.

"push me up please! help!" i said as she dragged me upwards.

i feel my body scrape against the edge and my palms get sweaty. i slipped out of her touch.

"my hand! grab my hand!" i shouted.

"i got you don't worry! just pull yourself up!" she said.

she finally pushed me up and i landed on top of her, gazing into her ocean eyes. her touch felt soft and warm. she threw her head back and sighed in relief.

"why the fuck would you do that! are you insane!" she yelled.

"no! i-" i replied.

"come here." she said and hugged me.

her warm embrace felt strange, almost peaceful coming from a stranger.

"don't do that shit man!" she told me.

she wrapped her arms around me tight and held me there for a while before putting her jacket around me and sitting down by a fire she lit with a lighter and some sticks.

we sat around the fire for a while, not saying anything but enjoying the view, i didn't know why she was still here but her presence felt someway comforting.

"the views pretty at night." she said staring into the distance.

i didn't reply and just started into the pitch black nothingness of the sky.

"why did you wanna do it?" she asked, turning to look at me.

i stared into her eyes, filled with pure innocence.

"are you not gonna say anything." she asked.

"my mom died." i whispered out loud enough she could hear. "she killed herself, overdose."

she remained eye contact, that was probably my cue to continue speaking.

"she was all that was left of my family, now it's just me and my dog Baxter." i said.

"im so sorry." she replied. "i know my condolences aren't helping but is there anything i can do?"

i stayed silent and lost myself in the void of the black sky.

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