Chapter 6: Ramen

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Luna's POV-

"You know I really couldn't sleep last night." she said.

"and why was that?" i asked.

"you were on my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about you. I felt so bad about what I told you and I'm sorry for making you really uncomfortable"

"Billie, we can talk about this later. it's not your fault." i explained

"no I wanna apologise because I had to get a high in order to fall asleep." she groaned.

"well i'm sorry." i whispered.

her eyes had fluttered close and she looked so pretty asleep. her scent began rubbing onto my bedsheet's. Billie's soft breathing touched my skin as i wrapped my arm around her chest, holding her. before i knew it, i had fallen asleep too.

i woke up with my arms wrapped around Billies body. we where only centimetre's apart from each other's faces. she muttered something in her sleep as i tried to free myself, but her arm pulled me back as my body crashed into hers.

"i don't want you to go, my love." she said.

hearing her raspy words made my heart melt. and so i did stay in bed with her, even though i didn't go back to sleep. i just admired her slowly, all of her features - her cute, button nose, the little freckles she has on her cheeks and her long eyelashes. she's so beautiful.

i stayed for a few minutes more, until that turned into an hour. when i woke up for the second time, Billie's arms where wrapped around my hips, groping me in closer. she was spooning me and honestly, i couldn't be more turned on.

i tried escaping from her grasp once again and this time i succeeded. i got up and tied my hair into a messy bun, before pouring myself a cup of black coffee. i made my way back into my room to see if Amber had texted anything. i worried about them. if i had known Joaquin was capable of doing things like that i would've thrown his ass onto the sidewalk when he asked for a fucking lap dance and i felt bad after making her cover my shift.

Billie groaned in her sleep as i checked my phone, interlocking her fingers with mine and kissing my hand. i feel like melting in her touch every fucking time she does shit like that.

"you're awake? what time is it?" she rasped.

"around 5." the sun was still out outside.

"come back, i'm tired." she said.

"Billie, why did you take those drugs?" i asked her.

"it reminded me of something." she said, closing her eyes.

"of what?" i asked, caressing her face.

"this girl." she said.

"so it reminded you of someone?" i replied.

"mhm." she nodded, closing her eyes and trying her best to ignore me.

it seemed like she didn't wanna talk about it, so i left it and changed the subject.

"why'd you call me your wife? you know we aren't even dating, Billie." i said.

"i don't know." she whispered out.

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