Chapter 4: Wounded

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Billie's POV (9am)-

i went home after dropping Luna off and greeted Shark, giving him little pats on the head and kisses.

"hey mom." i said, hugging my mother.

"hey Billie, you want some avocados on toast?" she asked.

"sure." i sat down and talked to my brother.

he said today was going to be a busy day because we have a meet and greet around noon, then we have this party to go to and we have this new song to work on that i came up with last night. it's about the moon, i think you can guess where that leads.

we left to go to the meet and greet around 11, it took a while to get there but in the end i met a bunch of fans and shit. i feel bad about lying to Luna about my profession, but honestly, i like the fact that she doesn't know who i am. it's better than those people that are like 'omg Billie i love you' like no you fucking don't. you don't even know me but you're saying that shit. all you know about me is how im perceived from a public image. like don't me wrong i love the fact that i have so many fans and supporters, but them saying that stuff isn't as good as when someone who genuinely knows everything about me does.

we finished the meet and greet around 3 and left to go to the party, i just met a bunch of family and friends and famous people who i've never even heard of before and acted happy for a good four hours before going home.

im writing a little poem about Luna, but to be honest i'm kinda embarrassed about it. i love her blonde hair and her pretty brown eyes but i don't know if im ready to chase after anyone, which is hypocritical to say coming from me because im doing exactly that but fuck it. fuck it.

i went over to her house around 9 and let myself in because she wasn't there when i knocked, the door was unlocked. this girl needs to get a grip, i swear to god. her dog immediately ran up to me, barking, his sharp claws dug into my face as i tried to get him off.

"hey. hey, Baxter. i'm Billie, nice to meet you." i said tryna act cool but i think i triggered his fight or flight.

i fed him some food and wiped the blood clean off of my face, he really fucked up my face bad, but it was okay. i tried bonding with Bax so he doesn't scratch my eyes out next time but it didn't work so well. he also crushed the bouquet i got Luna but i found a vase to put them in, fed them to keep it alive and placed them near the window by the tv. he left the living room and slept somewhere else while i watched tv, waiting for Luna to get home.

Luna's POV-

i got off of work a little after 9, which made me panic because i was late to meet with Billie. i got a ride home with Amber and said goodbye to them when i realised there was a light turned on in my house. Amber had already driven away, so i guess i was on my own with this one. i got my phone out to have 911 on speed dial, when i crept in slowly, seeing a dark shadow lurk from the corner of the living room. someone was the couch, they where dressed in a black hoodie, with the hood on. I grabbed a knife from the drawer and ran up to them with it clutched in my hand.

"holy fuck!" they yelled as i stabbed them in the shoulder.

"Billie!" i yelled. "what the fuck are you doing here!"

"i was gonna come to see you but you weren't home!" she yelled.

"holy fuck, im so sorry Bills." i looked at the blood which was now spilling out.

"fuck. i feel so weird." she tried to steady herself, i think she was feeling lightheaded.

"come here." i said, clutching her around the waist, i brought her to my bed and sat her down face first.

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