Chapter 23: A thousand flames

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Billie's POV-

"ready?" i whispered.

Luna nodded before i plunged both fingers into her, fingering her harder than i possibly could. her breathy moans pounded against my skin as i worked myself on her.

"right there baby." she whimpered.

"shhh. stay quiet for me." i hushed her.

i brought my left hand to her entrance and rubbed at her clit in circular motions, feeling her squirm and shake beneath me. i picked up the pace with my right, feeling her body jerk up and down before she came all over my fingers.

"Billie!" she moaned, relieving herself.

she whimpered, feeling her nerves finally begin to calm down when i stuck my fingers into her mouth.

"clean them off." i told her.

she sucked every last bit of her juices before i kissed her with tongue, tasting her on her own tongue.

"that's my girl." i whispered, rubbing her head.

when we had finished, Amber had already fallen asleep and so Luna and I decided to take a bath together. She got us some towels and stuff while i filled up the tub and squeezed a shit ton of soap in it until it was practically filled with bubbles.

"i'm so tired, Bil." Luna sighed, taking off her bathrobe.

i got into the bathtub and watched Luna tie her hair up in a messy bun.

"i know," i replied. "just sit back, i'll take care of you, my love. don't worry."

she smiled at me in sheer admiration before getting into the bathtub with her back towards my stomach.

i could smell the shampoo in her hair and the salty sweat from when we had made love. Luna leaned back onto me all the way and relaxed herself accordingly.

"mm, this is nice." she remarked.

"you're so beautiful." i replied, feeling her soft skin against mine.

"you're more beautiful." Luna said.

"nah." i scoffed. "it's all you."

i massaged her shoulders, making her sigh in utter relief as i worked myself.

"it's always been you." i mumbled.

i squeezed some shower gel on the loofah as rubbed at her skin as slowly as i could, rinsing it all off with water.

"Billie?" she whispered to me, leaning up and turning around to face me.

"hm?" i replied, now cleaning myself up, while Luna's brown eyes met mine.

she watched as i rubbed myself clean before she spoke, "i love you."

i looked up at her to see the love in her eyes. the way she looked at me told me it all and i didn't feel hesitant to reply.

"i love you too." i whispered, feeling a smile creep up on the side of my face while i admired her features.

Luna threw herself on me, kissing me passionately. i felt like my heart was on fire. set ablaze by this wonderful woman.

yes, it's scary. i am scared.

love is the scariest feeling in the world.

but she makes it so much more comfortable to feel. i don't feel scared. i feel safe. i feel protected.

i feel at home.

After Luna and I had finished showering we got dressed and got into bed. i tucked Luna in and kissed her goodnight.

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