Chapter 39: Once more

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Billie's POV-

"good girl." i praised, kissing her softly.

Luna's POV-

a couple of weeks later we had finally moved all of our stuff into our new house. we brought Bax of course and got a new little puppy called Sucre. Bills named him after the Spanish word for 'sweet'.

"baby where did you put the keys?" she asked me.

"erm i think they're on the kitchen counter." i replied. "check."

"got them!" she replied and kissed me, "i'm going to grab some groceries okay?"

"alright love." i said, "should i make lunch?"

"hmm yeah if you wanna." Billie said.

"carbonara?" i asked.

"sure. i love you." she said, getting into her car.

"i love you too." i said, petting Sucre.

i fed the little doggos and cooked lunch when Billie had arrived back home. i don't know why but she's pretty fast at doing the grocery shopping when i'm not there.

after the wedding, Amber took ownership over my mothers old house, so now it belonged to her. she probably needed it more than Jennifer though, who already had her own house with Charlie. Leonard moved in with Amber and they ended up bonding pretty well. i guess it was a good match.

Billie had quit smoking as i did too. neither of us wanted to harm nor influence our baby who was only less than 6 months away from being born. believe it or not, time does go pretty fucking quick.

we both also gave up weed, Billie quit all the drugs and stuff and started being sober as well as i.

"mm this smells delicious angel, tastes better too." Billie took a mouthfull.

i smiled at her, "i'm glad you like it."

"you wanna watch a movie tonight? go to the cinema?" she asked.

"to watch flash?" i asked, excitedly.

"we got yup." she smiled.

"mhm." i nodded in excitement.

we decided to go alone, the movie was amazing and we ended up getting dinner too. since the wedding, none of Billie's friends had really come to see us and our house.

she did ban any sort or drugs from her cabin, so now none of them really hang out there anymore. it's a great place to bring the dogs though, they do love the grass and everything else in it.

we got home at around 10pm, showered together and got into bed. Sucre loves taking up the the space on the bed but Bax just sticks the couch. it's like his own bed in itself.

Billie placed her hand on my stomach, "a little baby us."

she kissed my stomach and massaged it preciously, i could see the value she had in our little little baby. she did this almost every night before we slept.

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