Chapter 33: Brownies

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Luna's POV-

each time it came near my hole, my desire got much stronger. i whined the sixth time it came near my hole and wrapped my arms around her neck. i pulled Billie closer to me.

"you want me inside you?" she asked me.

Billie's POV-

"do you think it's too soon?" i asked Fin.

"well not, not really. if you think it's time then it's time." he replied.

"we've been dating for like a year now." i told him. "and i feel like we're ready."

"yeah?" he said, smiling.

"yeah, i do. i wanna marry her, Fin." i blushed.

"alright. you're ready yeah? and she is too?" he asked.

"yeah, i hope so. i think we are." i smiled.

"congratulations Billie." he hugged me. "i love you so much. make sure to ask mom and dad."

"oh i've already hinted it to them. don't worry." i said.

"so the silver one?" he asked.

"yup, with the little diamonds on it, that one." i pointed.

i bought the ring for Luna, which came in its little box. Fin then drove me home to show mom and dad where i planned to ask the next day.

i then drove to Luna's house to spend the might but she had fallen asleep not long after i came. by the morning, well, afternoon, we had woken up to find that Amber hadn't returned home.

"she doesn't usually go out that late, neither not come home to sleep." Luna said.

"could she be at a friends or something?" i asked.

"i'm not sure. it doesn't look like she came home last night." the concern on her face grew.

"give her a call baby. i'm sure she's okay." i replied, flipping over the pancake.

"okay." Luna replied.

Luna briefly spoke to Amber on the phone before hanging up. she had told me that they stayed over at their dates house overnight and that she would be home before sunset.

"i'm glad she's okay." i replied. "now lets eat!"

we ate the pancakes quickly before having a shower together and getting dressed to go to the mall. City Grove mall.

"awww." Luna blushed as we held hands. "the night we met."

"not much ever changes about this place." i said. "that's why i kinda love it."

we shopped around for a bit, Luna and i got some matching rings. she had a ring with an halo on it and i got one with some horns. apart from that, Luna only got one more thing which was this brown corset, which i paid for. and got lots of kisses for paying for.

we returned home and chilled for a couple of hours with Bax before Amber returned and told us the whole story about her date.

"oh my god! he was a fucking dish!" she screamed, closing the door.

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