Chapter 27: Movie night

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Billie's POV-

"so are you guys dating now?" she smirked.

"not exactly, but a little yeah." i replied, trying my best to conceal the blushes on my cheeks.

"you gonna pop the question?" she asked.

"i don't know." i sighed. "i want to, but i don't know if the timings right."

"well, when it's right, ask her. you guys make a cute couple." she complimented.

"thank you." i blushed.

i left the room shortly after to see Luna in my bedroom half clothed, pushing the door shut behind me and smiling at her.

"hi baby. you got everything you needed?" i asked.

"yeah, thanks Bil." she said.

i wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me, feeling her ass back up against me. i kissed her softly on the neck after pulling back her hair gently.

"i love you." i said, kissing her even more.

her fingers tangled into mine, "i love you too, Billie."

even though i didn't want to, i pulled away and focused on tidying up my room a bit more.

"what are we doing today?" Lu asked.

"i'm not sure baby. you wanna watch a movie? i'm sure Claudia's gonna be around to take care of Fin and mom and dad." i said, folding up a shirt i found on the floor.

"which movie? what are they showing currently?" she asked.

"hmm i think black panthers on now. the second one. i think it came out a couple of days ago." i replied, checking my phone to find a movie.

"hmm yeah." she hummed.

"here, look. come here." i pulled Luna in closer towards me. "if we make the cookies soon, we can catch the movie at 4."

"yeah. that sounds good." she blushed. "then we can get dinner and go on another date."

"that's gay." i gagged, pulling her in by the waist and kissing her lovingly once more.

"mmh." Luna moaned.

"come on my angel, let's get some breakfast." i told her, holding her hand and dragging her along.

downstairs, my mom had already made pancakes with maple syrup.

"mm, this smells good." i said, looking at my mom. "good morning, mama."

"morning, billie. good morning luna." she smiled. "did you both sleep well?"

she did not.

"yeah, thank you for letting me stay here Maggie." Luna said.

"oh that's okay. here, helps yourselves." she said, handing out the plated and cutlery.

"where's dad?" i asked.

"he went to take Shark out on a walk, he should be home soon enough." mom said before leaving to go upstairs and check on Fin.

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