Chapter 3: Hey Clarke!

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she inched closer towards me and i froze in shock. her blue eyes shot right through my soul, focusing onto my lips and my neck. i closed my eyes, but i could still feel her stares burn into me like wildfire.

please just kiss me.

that's all i wanted. it's all i wanted her to do. her warm breath got closer to mine, i could feel her hand on my hip as she placed the other on the side of my face.

please just kiss me.

"hey! who's there!" a voice yelled.

"shit." Billie said, grabbing my hand.

we hid behind the cashier's desk, our body's close together.

"fuck, billie, i thought you said nobody was here." i said.

"yeah, i forgot the janitor comes back in on Thursdays." she replied.

"why?" i whispered.

"he jerks off to the playboys, of course." she said.

"ew." i said.

his footsteps ascended as Billie clamped a hand on my mouth, i licked it to get it off.

"i know how to keep quiet." i told her.

"you sure about that, darling?" she said, covering my mouth again.

i felt my face begin to warm up, luckily she couldn't tell that i was blushing because she was covering my cheeks. his footsteps got closer and so did Billie - to the point where we where face to face. she placed her hand on my thigh and squeezed it, hoping he wouldn't see us.

"hello?" he said.

i closed my eyes as the tension between us grew louder, when i opened them, my eyes instantly locked onto Billie's. he flicked off the light and left after a while, whistling as he made his way downstairs. Billie freed her hand from my jaw.

"when do you think he'll leave?" i asked.

"i don't know." she said.

and even though the janitor was so far away that he couldn't be heard nor hear us, Billie and i remained crouched under the desk. yet again, she stared into my eyes and looked at my lips, i knew how bad she wanted me. and i wanted her too.

"can i kiss you?" she whispered searching for the answer in my eyes.

i nodded and closed my eyes, feeling the warmth from her lips touch mine as she squeezed my thigh lightly. the butterflies in my stomach erupted, my nerves felt sensitive to her touch. she moaned slightly in our kiss, while cupping my face and bringing me closer to her. she pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"um- we should go, come on." Billie said getting up.

but this time she didn't offer her hand to help me up. did i do something wrong? no, she asked to kiss me.

"there's an exit at the back, we can go that way." she said as i followed.

we ran to the back exit when the janitor suddenly appeared in front of us, stopping us in our tracks. he was a short, bald, fat man. he had a grey moustache and was wearing a dark green outfit. he held a mop in his hand, trying to use it as a weapon.

"where do you think you're going?" he chuckled.

"shit, Lu!" Billie shouted, running in the opposite direction.

She grabbed my hand and we both ran together.

"stop you hooligans!" the janitor ordered but we continued going.

"that old man really thinks he's gonna knock us out with a mop!" Billie laughed.

on the way, Billie stole some french fries, a slurpee and a rose. it never occurred to me why she stole, perhaps it was for fun or she genuinely needed the stuff. i mean, if she was poor she would've stolen a necklace or a ring, we passed several designer jewellery shops but she didn't bat an eyelid at any of them.

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