Chapter 11: Dr Drake

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Billie's POV-

"you have to stop punishing yourself for the things you cannot control. it was not your fault, Luna. its not your fault." i said, looking into her bloodshot eyes.

"okay." she whispered, breaking eye contact.

i kept pressure on the wound and before i knew it, the ambulance had arrived. i opened the door to let them in and they look her, i sat at the back of the ambulance and held her hand.

"it's going to be okay. you're okay." i kissed her on the forehead as she closed her eyes.

as the nurses took care of her, i waited outside and called Finneas to tell him that i was too busy to come home today. we where meant to edit everything i wanted' but since Luna was in the hospital i couldn't do it.

i waited for about half an hour before i was allowed to be let in. she needed twelve stitches because it was a deep wound. i explained to the doctors that it was just a knife accident when she was trying to open something. luckily, they believed it. if i had told them anything else she would've been in a mental hospital. i know lying to the doctors wasn't good, but i'd be much more comfortable to lie than to explain it all. you wouldn't believe the things even nurses go through nowadays.

when she had woken up, she seemed unaware of her surroundings. she frowned looking at me and observing the room.

"Luna. what the fuck? i'm so glad you're okay. don't pull that shit on me again. or yourself." i told her.

"why am i in the hospital?" she asked.

"you cut yourself." i replied.

"what?" she said, looking down at her bandaged thigh.

"don't you remember? you where in your mothers room." i told her.

"no i was waiting for you finish in the shower." she whispered.

"no. you where on the floor in your mum's room." i repeated, feeling worried.

"i was sitting by the kitchen table, playing with Bax." she frowned.

"Luna. don't you remember what happened?" i said.


after a while of talking to Lu, i realised that she didn't remember any of it. she said that she took a shower and waited in the kitchen for me to finish. i felt worried. i didn't know what to do. she didn't remember anything after apart from waking up in the hospital.

i explained to her everything that happened, but she felt confused. after i told her that she probably blacked out, she believed me a little more.

we left the hospital and i drove her home to get some rest. i cleaned up the blood and then heated up the eggs and bacon i made and fed her it, before putting her into bed. i sat beside her for a while, stroking her hair and trying my best to refrain from crying. eventually she fell asleep and i left her room, closing the door.

i didn't want to leave her, in case anything else happened. she was in a very fragile state of mind and so i didn't trust that she would be okay if i left for a while. it was strange how she didn't remember anything and so i decided to call up a therapist of mine that i used to have and asked her what it could be, because i felt genuinely scared for Luna.

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