Chapter 35: Billie - Luna

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Billie's POV-

Luna stared at the ring in awe.

she nodded.

"yes! yes i will!" Luna announced, causing the rest of the customers to begin clapping.

"give me your hand." i was practically shaking and crying as she passed me her left hand, i placed the ring on her finger and stood up to kiss her.

Luna wrapped her arms around my neck as mine on her waist, kissing me, hugging me, we cried.

"i didn't think you'd do it." she said.

"i didn't think you'd say yes." i laughed, kissing her once, pulling away before kissing her twice and a third time.

"i love you Luna." i confessed.

"i love you Billie." she whispered.

we sat back down. the waiters brought out our plates as we cut the cake together and ged each other a small piece.

"i'm so happy you asked baby." Luna said. "i would've been too shy."

"my legs are still shaking." i chuckled.

"i can make them shake later." she whispered, enjoying the cake.

"hm. so can i." i replied, smiling.

we packed up the rest of the cake and paid before leaving to get into the car.

"i love the ring Billie." Lu smiled, admiring it. "it's so beautiful."

"you're welcome, my wife." i winked, kissing her once more.

kissing her was like sniffing lines of coke, short but can be long if you're addicted and most important of all, it feels so good.

"oh shit, we forgot about Jen." Luna laughed.

"oh yeah, let's go pick her up." i chuckled.

we drove over to my cabin where Ty, Maeve, Sarah and Jennifer all where.

i could just see the true disappointment on Luna's face as she watched Jen grind on Ty.

"i'm so sorry." she said, "get off him Jen."

Luna practically pulled Jennifer off of him and brought her straight to the back of my car, i followed behind her and helped Luna to buckle her in.

i then walked back into the cabin to ask what had happened, while Luna attempted to talk to her sister.

"well Diego was here not long ago and he had some shrooms on him." Ty explained, "Jennifer insisted that she ate some and so she did. i guess it didn't wash down well with the gin."

"you let her have shrooms?" i said, with a hint of awe in my voice.

"yeah, what's with the suit man?" he asked.

"nothing. you have her shrooms." i repeated. "why?"

"she wanted to dawg what was i supposed to say? anyways Diego was the one with the shit. i took care of her this whole time." Ty explained.

"fine. fine." i said. "i'm sorry. it's fine i guess. if she wanted to then it was her choice. i don't know though man. i don't know."

i walked out and closed the door behind me after saying goodbye to Maeve and Sarah who where smoking in the corner of the room.

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