Chapter 16: Meet the gang

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Luna's POV-

a celebrity? it all made sense now.

even so it doesn't pay off for the fact that she was so persistent on getting rid of it and she cheated on me with some skinny stick whore. she could've tried to conceal it from the public.

i slid down the door and sobbed into my own arms. i didn't want to leave her so soon. i finally found a home. a place where i belong. a place where i can call my own.

but what can i say? everything comes to an end.

i guess this is goodbye.

Billie's POV-

ten months had gone by and during that time i managed to go on tour and release 'everything i wanted.' just as i had said, it was a massive hit to the public and they loved it.

i was still living in Grove City because many people didn't know my name there and that was a good thing. although i didn't go out as often as i did when Luna was around and if i did it was only to see Diego and the gang.

i also came up with this fragrance called 'Eilish.' it was a sweet, musky kind of scent and had some soft spice notes and a vanilla tone to it.

i practically wore it everywhere.

i scrapped the song i wrote about Luna and burned it actually. even though out relationship was sweet and cuts in the beginning, the end got a lot more toxic and i only realised that after smoking a shit ton of pot.

i coped by getting high and numbing the pain for a good 6 months before actually coming to my senses about how abusive it was at the end. and thats how i got over it. i just stopped thinking about her everyday and if i did think about it wasn't in a good way.

i went to Diego's cabin because he was throwing a party to being the gang back together. all of my friends know about my fame but they all agreed to keep it on the down low and didn't bring it up very often. which is good because i can easily escape from who i am around them. and i don't have to pretend to be a person who's earning a lot more than them and we're all of equal importance.

when i arrived, Sarah and Maeve had gotten there before me. Sarah's light skinned, has blonde hair and blue eyes, like me, but Maeve's dark skinned, had both brown hair and eyes. Sarah was wearing a black skirt and a red shirt and Maeve was dressed in all black like a goth. her style was to die for.

"hey guys!" i walked in dabbing them l up. "What's up?"

"nothing much, brah. haven't seen you in a while." Diego said.

"hey, Billie! loving the hair!" Sarah said, she had a sweet, kind of high pitched voice.

"thanks, man." i said.

"hey, Bills." Maeve greeted, she had more of a low toned, raspy voice.

it matched her face well to be honest with you. Maeve put her hand on Sarah's thigh and smiled as we walked about shit. i just know that they're dating. they're like complete opposites but they fuck around a lot and that gives it away. but they never admit that they are and say that they're 'just friends.'

"So when you think Ty's gonna get here?" i asked.

"i don't know, man. you know that guy. always late to everything." Diego slurred.

Diego has this thing to him. he was sounded like he was always high. his eyes always said that he was high but I never really knew what was up with that guy.

even though I've been hanging around with these guys for like a good four or five years. I never really know a lot about these guys' families and I think that's the best part. it's just mainly about having a good time that matters to us.

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