Chapter 10: Bloodshot

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Billie's POV-

"so how's work going?" Luna asked.

"it's alright. you?" i said.

"i don't know." she replied.

"what do you mean by that?" i asked.

"it's just- i don't like it anymore. i used to. like the partying and carelessness. but i don't enjoy it." she said.

"find something you will enjoy." i advised.

"yeah. i've been thinking about it, but i don't know anymore." she said. "i'll stay for a month longer and then leave if it gets too much." she said.

"that's a good idea." told her. "there's no point in putting in effort for something you don't enjoy or like." i told her.

Luna's POV-

i don't hate my job, id just much rather have a job that i enjoy and makes me happy. something that i'm passionate about rather than doing it just for money.

Billie and i where staring at the ceiling, just contemplating out lives in utter silence. it was nice. i loved her company. i love being around her.

"oh my god! you know where we have to go?" Billie said, getting up from the floor.

"no. where?" i asked.

"come with me." she stuck her hand our and i grabbed it.

she pulled me up and i followed her to wherever she was going.

"where are we going?" i asked.

"you'll see." she told me.

"you always bring me to strange places." i chuckled.

"yeah. and they're cool." she laughed.

"is holding hands really necessary?" i asked.

"yeah i don't want my little puppy to get lost." she joked.

"i'm not your puppy." i said.

"i know, i'm helping you keep up. you don't even know where you're going." she dragged me faster.

we stopped in front of a shop. it was hard to see through the windows but i could what it was all about by the name which was hung up above the doorway.

"seriously, Billie? a fucking BDSM store?" i chuckled.

"yeah. you know i always wanted to buy some handcuffs and whips but i'd always be too embarrassed to see the cashier." she laughed.

"no, Billie. you're not buying sex toys." i said, holding her back from opening the stores doors.

"yes. we are." she dragged me by the hand and i eventually gave in and walked in with her.

she flicked the light on, i watched the room light up, revealing all of the sadistic toys.

"fuck me." i whispered, observing every little thing in the shop.

"come on. what are we getting?" Bills asked.

"this is heaven. and also very scary." i admitted, watching Billie grab a shopping basket.

"this is gonna be fun." she chuckled, showing me a pair of whips.

she slapped it vigorously across her hand twice, watching as a red mark formed.

"shit." she said. "that could so some damage, huh?"

"Billie, i think we should go." i said.

"why? we're just getting started." she whined.

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