Chapter 9: Fuck buddy

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Luna's POV-

"are you a virgin?" she asked.

"what? you ask me that after fucking me!" i laughed.

"no! i mean before." she replied.

"yeah." i said.

"no way." she looked me, shocked. "that was your first time?"

"yeah." i nodded. "why?"

"that was so good for a first time." she told me. "well done, darling."

"thank you." i smiled. "i made you cum twice for me today and you still deny that you're my cum slut."

"we'll see about that." she said.

Billie threw some shorts on but i stayed unclothed. we sat down and chilled for a while before Billie wrapped her arms around my body and hips, picking me up. she brought me to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

"can't you walk?" she asked.

i got up and tried to walk over to the sink but it was so painful.

"no." i winced.

"alright come here." she said, pulling down my skirt.

she stopped and looked up at me, "Luna, what's this."

Billie stared at the scars on my thighs for a moment before i answered.

"it's nothing. i don't wanna talk about it." i said.

"okay." she replied, kissing every one of the scars and gently rubbing her fingers over them.

she helped me over to the shower and let me sit down on the sitting ledge.

Billie turned on the shower, "this okay?"

"a little colder. that's good." i said.

"alright, stay here i'm gonna get us some clothes." Billie left.

i stayed in the shower for a while and when Billie returned she had some clothes for us.

"okay so, i have no panties so you're gonna have to wear my boxers. dont worry, theyre clean. i have a rick and morty hoodie for you and some blue nike shorts." she said.

"thanks. Bill." i told her.

"no i fucked you up. you need help. so i'm helping you." she chuckled, getting into the shower.

her hair began getting soaked. she lifted my chin up and kissed me slowly.

"no more, Billie. i'm gonna rip in half." i told her.

"i knew you couldn't handle this monster cock." she joked.

"i can. i did." i said.

"then prove it." she said.

i attempted to stand up but the pain was so dreadful and unbearable.

"fuck." i said, sitting down on the ledge again.

"told ya." she said.

i stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed. Billie took some shampoo and massaged it into my hair, giving me head scratches.

"that feels so good." i moaned, rolling my eyes back.

"does this?" she asked, rubbing some into my eyes.

"no! fuck! Billie!" i yelled, grabbing her my the penis.

"oww! stop!" she said.

"get the soap out of my eye or i'll rip it off." i said.

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