Chapter 22: Date night

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Billies POV-

we payed for the bed and ended up getting it fitted back at the cabin. where Luna and I just chilled for the rest of the day and caught up on everything that happened during that time gap. she went home at around 6pm because she couldn't leave Bax and Amber alone at home.

i drove her home before i drove myself back home to see Finneas and my parents. nobody really cared about me going for that long because they know i have a secret house at this point and i crash there sometimes.

i just wish after the whole suicide attempt thing, they didn't alienate me because of it. it made me feel weak when they asked questions but i know they're just looking out for me in the end.

i texted Luna that night to tell her that i couldn't drive her to work and that i'd come over later in the night to visit. Amber and I hadn't got off on a good start and i wanted to redeem myself for that because i know that they're best friends now.

at least if anything happens between us, she won't be alone this time.

Luna's POV-

i got dressed for work and joined Amber for breakfast before we drove over to the Imperium. i hoped i didn't have any more privates today because i didn't want to get physically close with anyone else. it's mainly because Billie's back and so i didn't want to be intimate with anyone else.

as soon as i arrived, i found Candece and told her that i wanted to close my privates and not have any more.

"but Lu! you're our best showcase. you can't do that." Candece said.

"i know, i'm sorry Candece. i just can't do them anymore." i explained.

"why not?" she asked.

"i'm kinda seeing someone." i answered, fiddling with the ribbons on my skirt.

Candece brought her eyes to the ground and sighed in discontent.

"how about if we increase your pay?" she offered.

is that worth it?

"uhh- i'll have to think about it." i replied and walked off to get ready for the show.

is 'cheating' on Billie worth the money?

i explained the whole situation to Candece but she said it wasn't worth it even if i wasn't exactly cheating on Bill. it didn't seem right to her. but i couldn't do that to the Imperium. they're earning nearly twice the amount of money from the private shows i do.

people go crazy for me.

Amber and i did our first show after getting ready and putting on our makeup.

Billie's POV-

i decided to hang out with Finneas today because i'd been in and out of the house for a while. we decided to film the music video for 'everything i wanted' on Thursday so we could edit it and shit in time. today we weren't gonna do anything big but just brainstorm some ideas for the next album.

"hey Bill!" Fin said, walking in with Shark. "sleep well?"

"yeah, i did. you?" i replied, sipping at the coffee i had just made myself.

"yeah. you free today?" he asked.

"mhm." i nodded, feeding Shark some of my cheese.

"i was thinking we could go to Golden Gate Bridge, you know?" he suggested. "get a good picture of it for the song cover? because that way i can just trance over the lines and marks."

"yeah. that would be amazing. you know what i'm taking about with all the colourful streaks, right?" i asked Fin.

he nodded, "yeah. yeah. i got it. don't worry."

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