Chapter 32: Media

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Luna's POV-

Billie hugged JJ excitedly before B sat down next to me, holding my hand as we talked. after a while, i then invited Amber over and introduced her to Jenny.

a couple of hours later, Jennifer left to go back to the hotel to see Charlie. Billie stayed the night with me but the next morning she was gone.

i texted Bills before taking a shower and getting ready for work. Amber tagged along with me but left at the end of our shift to meet up with some guy she met on a tinder site.

Billie had only texted this to me throughout the day:

me (9am):
-hey baby
-whats the matter? you didn't wake me up or call when you left
-is everything okay??

Billie <3 (1pm):
-yeah, sorry
-i just have to take care of Fin, my parents went to some event and Claudia's gotta work
-sorry my love

me (1:30pm):
-that's okay
-call me later?
i love you

Billie had left me on delivered for another couple of hours, so i called but she didn't pick up. at this point, i wasn't sure what to do. i heated up some of the leftovers she cooked and then put the TV on.

Billie's POV (9am):

i left Luna's house in a hurry as soon as i saw the post and drove straight to Sarah's apartment. i knocked on the door with force until Maeve opened it.

"where's Sarah?" i asked.

"shes- in the bedroom." she replied, "why?"

i walked into Sarah's room, she was half- naked in the bed but it wasn't anything i hadn't seen before.

"why the fuck would you post this?" i asked.

"the picture? you look hot as fuck, what are you complaining for?" she scoffed.

"no. it's not just the picture Maeve! the fucking caption too!" i ticked.

"i don't see what's wrong with it 'i've got a big ego but you know what's bigger than it? Billies dick' that's a sick caption!" Sarah insisted.

"it might fucking be but use someone else's name and photo or at least ask me first! i got fucking fans who go would go buck wild over that photo! and neither am i comfortable with them knowing about that yet!" i yelled.

i grabbed her phone off of her and stormed off with it.

"hey! give me my phone back! Billie! give me my fucking phone!" she yelled at the top of the stairwell.

i left the apartment block and got into my car, deleting the post and the photo from her camera roll after searching for it. Maeve knocked on the car door for me to hurry up.

"Billie. i think you went too far." she said.

"i didn't go too far! she did! i trusted her with knowing who i am! she can't post pictures of me without me asking, especially about my body because the public doesn't know yet." i replied.

Maeve took Sarah's phone from my hand and walked back into her apartment. i was driving off to Luna's when mom called me.

"yes mom." i said. "what is it?"

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