Chapter 12: Yes ma'am!

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Billie's POV-

"i didn't know what to do." she whispered, finally maintaining eye contact as usual.

"it's okay, my love. you don't have to do anything. i'll take care of you. i promise." i said and hugged her.

feeling her warmth in my embrace felt like the most heartbreaking thing ever. her words pierced through my heart. i had never been through grief before but i know it isn't easy. that's why i'm not going hard on her. she'll heal with time and that's all she needs at the moment.

her arms slinked around my waist. i felt so distant from her after she did that. so far away. disconnected. lost. i finally felt comfortable feeling her old self come back to me.

i felt comfortable with her in my arms.

i wanted to keep it that way forever.

Luna's POV-

as i was eating my pizza i was thinking about it all. even after the whole incident that happened, i felt confused. but i was glad that Billie didn't bring it up, i didn't want to talk or think about it. it didn't bother me much anyway, but i felt bad about the whole thing and so after a while and so i apologised to her. we hugged and continued to watch some more TV. she asked if i wanted to do anything but i said no.

"i should probably call Kevin." i told her. "i never miss work."

"sure. but what would you tell him?" she asked.

"i'll just say i had an injury and need some time off. even though its a minor wound, i don't feel like walking through those doors anytime soon." i  explained.

i called up Kevin and ended up taking a week off. luckily him and i get along quite a lot and so he didn't mind and said Rosie could fill in for me. she's another colleague of mine but she hates me for no reason.

"you wanna go back to the Vibe room?" Billie suggested.

"no, i'm sorry. i'd just rather stay home." i replied. "you can leave if you want to, i don't want to bother you or fuck up your schedule. i'm sure you have things to do."

"noo, its no bother darling. i have nothing to do and i like spending time with you." she said. "i'm not going anywhere."

she kissed me slowly, pulling me in closer towards her. i grabbed the sides of her face and hoisted myself upwards so that i was sitting on top of her. she groaned as i grinded on her lap. she placed her hands on my butt and squeezed them tightly.

"are you sure?" she asked, breaking from the kiss.

i nodded in agreement. i loved the fact that she asked every time before we got involved intimately. consent is so fucking sexy.


as i felt her getting harder i continued grinding o her lap, she picked me up by the thighs- being careful not to hurt me. our kisses got sloppier and sloppier by the second. Billie walked over to the wall and pushed me upwards, placing her hand behind my head to stop me from getting hurt. that was so cute.

she pushed me upwards a little more, tangling her fingers in my hair and squeezing my thighs with force. i could feel them beginning to burn with her touch. she walked me over to my room and threw me onto the bed.

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