Chapter 21: It's so sweet

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Luna's POV-

"fine." i said and got in the shower with her after the both of us had finally finished getting fully naked.

i looked down at her body after only fantasising about it for 10 months.

"you got bigger too." i laughed.

"no i shrunk." she said. "i used to be eight, now i'm 7 and a half."

"i can change that." i replied and went down on her.


her surprised face told me all I needed as I dropped down to my knees as I put her dick in my hands, I slowly rubbed her tip, the hot water running down my back soothes me as I let her focus on the moment.

As soon as she gave me the nod I went down as I kissed her tip and rubbed her shaft with my right hand, I slowly progressed as I took her dick in my mouth.

Billie moaned as I took my tongue and licked from the base of her shaft to the tip, wrapping my lips around her cock once again. i followed the rhythm of her moans as I swallow her whole. i began to play with her balls when she gripped onto my hair, pushing my head down.

"god. fuck." Billie moaned as her dick hits the back of my throat.

i grip onto her thighs as my head bobbed back and forth on her cock.

"fuck, Luna! ugh! are you gonna swallow all my fucking cum, my little slut?" Billie moaned as I nodded, feeling my head about to explode while i held my gags.

i could tell she was coming to her orgasm as her dick twitched in my mouth.

"god! Luna! swallow my fucking cum like a good girl!" Billie grunted as she shoots her whole load in my mouth.

i disconnect my mouth from her shaft as I show her the cum on my tongue. she grips my chin, pulling me upwards, and tells me to swallow as I do just that. i stuck my tongue out once again to show all of her cum gone.

"good girl." she says as she brings my face into a slow kiss.

Billie moaned tasting the remnants of herself on my tongue. I stand up rinsing my hands in the water.

"you didn't last very long this time. poor baby must've really needed me, huh?" i asked, caressing her face.

"shut up!" she said, booping my nose.

i loved it when she did that.

she hadn't done it in ages and it made me tear up a little.

"shall we actually shower now?" i said.

Billie laughs and nods her head as she grabs the shower gel.

after we showered i got dressed in some of Billie's clothes and we dried our hair together just like the last time. after we left the bathroom, Billie went to go make us some food and i followed after her.

"i'm gonna help you clean up, okay?" i said.

"nah. it's fine. i'll do it in the morning." Billie replied.

"you can't leave it until that late. where are you gonna sleep? and i don't want you to hurt yourself on the glass either." i asked her.

the entire place was a fucking mess.

"fine." she shrugged. "but let's eat first."

Billie made us both grilled cheese and after we ate we cleaned up all of the glass and paintings and shit.

"what happened to the table?" i asked her.

"oh. i got mad and flipped it over." she said.

"what where you mad about?" i replied, putting the glass pieces into a trash bag.

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