Chapter 37

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It was 7:30Am in the morning

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It was 7:30Am in the morning.

Olivia could tell just what the time was the moment her phone started beeping and she found herself cutting her dreaming short to slowly reach for her phone from the bed. For some reason, she didn't even need to keep her eyes open to stop her alarm from going off but the moment she had found a way to open them, she couldn't hold back the large amount of light rays that found their way into her eye balls, making it even harder for her to fall back to sleep.

Her eyes were sore, just as much as her head was as she squeezed on to the bedsheets, giving herself a minute to take the fresh air and loud chirping of beds from the garden outside in, but somehow, she managed to pull herself up as gently as she could.She had gotten even more at alert the moment she had realized that Grace was not sleeping right beside her.

Where could she have been? Had she woken up earlier and made herself comfortable in Rafael's home already?

Olivia was terribly nervous and it was alarming how she suddenly didn't feel like going back to sleep anymore. She knew Grace missed being in the mansion so much, it used to be her home and Olivia knew just how much she must have loved to tour just to see just how much they had missed while they were away. On a regular day, and under a different circumstance, Olivia wouldn't have been so worried that she did, but this time, things were different. This time, Sommadina was just as much as a temporary housemate as they were, and if Olivia knew one thing, it was how much she and Rafael's mother never saw eye to eye, so much so that she had stoped trying.

The trial even made everything worse and threw away all chances of getting Sommadina to like her out the window. Everyday she breathed since the trial started, and with every second that passed, Sommadina did well to express her hate towards Olivia for allegedly breaking her family apart.

Olivia drew a deep breath as she raised a hand to her head to stop it from hurting so much the moment she felt a sharp migraine on her temples. She knew she had to at least find Grace first before Sommadina did but she wasn't able to think for so long before she heard a gentle knock on the door.

She turned to it slowly, wondering who it might have been. Was it Grace? Or Benita? Lucy or better still, Rafael? She squinted her eyes like she expected whoever it was from the other end to walk right in even without her asking them to. But they were right ahead of her, it was like the twins knew exactly what she was thinking the moment they opened the door and walked in without bothering to knock again.

Olivia blinked her eyes as she watched how the two boys walked into the room slowly with one of them holding on to a tray with plates on it, while the other walked right behind him with his hands stuck out like he was going to catch the first one if he ever fell.

Edwin and Edward.

Olivia had almost forgotten that Sommadina wasn't only the temporal house mate living at Rafael's house, his baby brothers, the twins, were also there too and as far as care could go, it looked like they showed a lot of it compared to Sommadina. Olivia let herself smile genuinely at the thought and sight of their effort to welcome her back even before they got to the bed. She got really impressed when she saw how Edward hurried to get the breakfast table from a corner and placed it in front of her just so Edwin could settle the fancy tray on it.

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