Chapter 84

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"Where are you Rafael, call me back

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"Where are you Rafael, call me back."

Ivory lowered her phone from her ear immediately just as she heard another nurse scream from inside. It had gone on and on and on and yet, no one was able to calm Olivia or stop her from making a scene. It was like she had lost her mind with the way she had tried to fight everyone that took a step towards the surgical tray she had used as a barricade between her and the nurses.

Olivia kept taking deep breaths, her contractions were getting worse and it was hard to focus on anything. She placed a hand at her back, pacing to and fro the territory she had claimed while she dared anyone to come closer than she had let them to.

She groaned loudly again, this time, too loud that almost everyone on the third floor and after could hear her.

"Let us help you, please,"

"Stay back!" Olivia yelled back at the nurse that had taken a step towards her.

Why weren't they listening to her? Olivia had made it clear that she wasn't going to tolerate anyone approaching her right from the moment they had prepared her for delivery. Olivia groaned again, throwing her back against the wall and holding on to it. She had beads of sweat forming on her forehead and tears ticking down her face. She scratched the wall until her finger nails started to break off.
She screamed again.

"Get him out, get him out, get him out!"
She wasn't talking to anyone in particular. The pain was just too much, it was a lot for her to hear. She managed to walk towards the surgery tray as fast as she could and then grabbed on to it for support. She was loosing her mind.

"Doctor," Ivory turned to the woman that just stood in the midst of the nurses, confused and concerned about what was going on. "You have to help her."

"Only if she lets us." The woman told her. "You can see what she's doing, she won't let us help her, at this point, she's putting her life and the baby's in danger. The hospital can not guarantee their safety if this goes on."

Ivory turned to Olivia, her hands were trembling in fright.

"You think I don't know huh?" Olivia managed to say even as she was panting for air. "I know you all work for Victoria, you're going to take my baby and give it to her aren't you?"
She kept on panting for air. Olivia let her gaze scan through the tray, she found it, the surgical knife, she grabbed it quickly and struck it at them just so they could see how she had protected herself.

"I'd rather die,"
she stretched the knife even further towards them so they thought twice before approaching her. "I would rather die than watch you take my child away from me again."

"Olivia you have to pull yourself together." Ivory said to her as loud as she could. She took one step into the room and then another,
"you can't keep fighting everyone, they are trying to help you,"

"No they are not!" She yelled back at her. "You know nothing Ivory, you know nothing."
She winced in pain as another tear fell from her eyes. She needed a minute to breath, to get over the pain but she couldn't afford one. She was running out of time.

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