Yamato x Y/N "My Woman"

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It was a rather windy yet relaxing day at the thousand sunny ship, I woke up a bit late though due to some incidents last night where Our Captain Luffy's Hat suddenly dissapeared we looked for it for a couple of hours..

But it turns out that his Straw Hat was just at the top of the crow nest therefore resulting Nami to hitting him for wasting our precious bed-time hour

"Hey Y/N mind lending me a hand here??"

I heard my name being called by a peculiar interesting new recruit of our crew, a long white snow hair that fades to turquoise to the tips of His hair with glistening beautiful Golden Brown Eyes that glitters under the sunlight

I smiled as i saw Yamato waving energetically towards me grinning ear to ear reminding me of Luffy

"Hey Yama, what can i do for you??"

"I was wondering if you could help me choose uhm..well..new Clothings for me to wear since none of Robin or Nami's..or even Your clothes fit on me"

Awkwardly chuckling he scratched his cheeks still grinning towards my direction, well it is true that none of our clothes will fit him Hell not even the Guys normal outfit will do so we will have to do what we can for now until we get to Dry land

I suggested to Yamato that maybe we can Sew some Temporary outfits for him, he didnt seem to oppose to the idea so we all decided to give it a shot Robin and Nami of course Helped out as well

Nami was about to measure Yamato up but stopped midway looked at Robin's Direction smirking as the Older Woman "smiled" as well, I gulped at what the meanings of their smile could mean-

"Oh Yo-hoo~ Y/N~ Robin and I are gonna discuss something for a bit so why dont you Measure Yamato instead?"

They didnt even give me a chance to reply and immediately left the moment Nami handed me the measuring tape to which left Yamato to blushed in an instant, now looking away from me

"Im S-Sorry! I shouldnt stare like that!"

I chuckled at his statement saying its not a big deal and started to climb on a little ladder since Yamato is too tall and I quickly got to measure him straight away

He kept silent still avoiding my case as I continued my buissness

After the uncomfortable silence Yamato decided to break it "U-Uhm..Hey..Y/N?"

I looked up at him and Hummed in response that i was listening to him as i continue measuring his waist line

"A-After we dock at the next island..w-would you care to join me on..maybe like a..Date?? I dunno..Like just going around town we can get your favorite foods or-"

"I'd Love to Yama"

I cut him off chuckling at the young man who  is a Blushing mess stuttering at what to say or what to do so i gave his mind peace

Smiling at the young Lad His face turned fifty shades of Red and avoided eye contact trying to process what i just said

"R-Really?? You mean it right?!"

He suddenly jolted towards my face too closely with sparkling and Excited eyes, I tried to back away since Our nose and...Lips are rather too close now but i failed as i stumbled down the ladder forgetting that i was standing on it at the moment

Yamato was quick to catch me and since he is hella Taller He caught me with ease and i was now wrapped in his arms

It was similar to a cheesy Romance Anime where two people fell down and looked at each other for minutes without saying a word or they just straight up Kiss

It may have been both mine and Yamato's Case if he didnt Blush and Panicked after just a second of Eye contact with me

"I-Im so sorry Y/N! Here let me just.."

Yamato awkwardly and gently puts me down fixing my clothes as he did His

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at me with Guilty and apologetic eyes

I laughed and pat his Shoulders

"Hey its Alright Yama, I know your just as excited as Iam for our little date tomorrow"

His Sad puppy looking Face has turned into a happy bubbly one after i said thise words in a matter of seconds

"So our date is still on?!"

"Of course it is silly"

He was quick to crush me with his bear Hugs tightly Thanking me for giving him a chance, of course I'd give the man a chance hell he doesnt even NEED to prove himself to me just him smiling towards me has always made my day brighter and happier

"sooo....What do I call you then?? I heard Nami and Sanji say that you can give cute nicknames to your lover right??"

"Hmm....How about-"

My sentence was cut off by a particular Cook filled with Heart eyes and Twirls around while carrying a couple of Foods and Juice to everyone then went to my direction

"Nami-swaann~! Robin-Chwan~!! Y/N-Swan~!!! I have your favorite drinks with me filled with my L.O.V.E recipes~!"

Seeing Nami and Robin grab their drinks i was about to march towards Sanji as he approaches me as well

But I felt my waist being pulled away and now my back is pressed hard on someone's Chest and THAT someone is....

Of course you guessed it

"Yama?? Whats Wrong?"

I felt Yamato's Grip on my waist grew tighter but not enough to hurt me as Sanji approaches more closer to us

He looked at Sanji with a Half Grin Half smirk and points at both of us with his Thumb

"Sorry Sanji but Y/N is My Woman now"

"Ehhhhh???? Y/N-Swan when did That Happened?!?"

Sanji asked catching everyone's attention even Zoro's, Yamato smirk only grew Wider and Hugged me affectionately in front of them

I looked at Yamato and playfully raised my eye brow towards him with a half smirk on my Lips as well

"So thats What your gonna call me from now on?? YOUR Woman?"

"Yup! MY Woman"

Where on earth did his shyness and bashfulness from earlier go? Guess we will never Know

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