Dad Law x Mom Y/N "Lullaby"

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POV : You and Law were together for 10 years and got married 3 years later and are now having your first  Child together : )

Just a quick note just in case :

C/N = Child's Name


It's way past our bed time and yet we still kept on taking turns to rock our child to sleep

"Shh Shh it's okay sweetheart Mama and Papa are here"

I coed and kept on swaying back and forth trying to put C/N to sleep but they keep on crying

Law was groaning and moving from our bed, not even a minute later he sighed got up from our bed and walked towards us

"Hey I'll take over hon"

"Thank you dear, I won't be long just needed a small break"

He hummed and nodded kissing my forehead before handing him C/N whom was still crying

"There there kiddo it's Papa, I'm here buddy"

Law started to sway and hum a very familiar lullaby as he kept on rocking C/N to sleep.

I sat down on the bed and leaned on the wall for a bit closing my eyes and listened to the lullaby my husband was humming

"Come stop your crying it'll be alright~

Just take my hand hold it tight~ I will protect you from all around you~

I will be here don't you cry~"

I opened my eyes and stared at my husband and Child with so much love and adoration I smiled tenderly

Law seems to noticed my gaze even without looking at me he asked

"Hon what's wrong?? I can feel your gaze you know"

Chuckling I shrugged and replied back
not taking my eyes off of the two of them

"Nothing really it's just...that lullaby you kept on humming is just familiar as all..."

Law chuckled and went beside me to sit down but unfortunately when he did C/N started to cry again so he had to choice but to stand beside me which left me to giggle

Law sighed and pinched my cheeks teasingly

"Hey I'm already doing all the work here Y/N-ya don't make me let you do all the work next time"

He chuckled teasingly patting my head as I smiled

"This song... this is the lullaby you used to sing to me whenever I had nightmares remember??"

I gave out a 'huh' and tilted my head forward confused at what he meant I asked him to elaborate more

"Back then when I had panic attacks about Cora-san.. about..THAT day you..found me one time crying on the crownest...and stayed till I calmed down"

Ahh now I was thirteen years ago back when I was still his crewmember and he was my captain.

"This's title 'you'll be in my heart' right??" Law nodded

How seems like only yesterday when we were still youngsters reaching the very top of the food chain

and now that Luffy is the pirate King, Zoro the strongest Swordsman in the world, Sanji finding all blue

Nami drawing all the maps around the world, Usopp became a popular Sniper and brave sea warrior

Chopper becoming the greatest doctor, Robin discovering about the Poneglyphs, that Cyborg Franky continuing his Job at inventing amazing machines

Brook becoming an amazing singer and famous pop star and Jinbei had his species unite with the Human.

Everything and everyone seems to be at peace now ....

everyone accomplished their dreams and ambitions in life I'm very proud and happy for them

Killer working along with Kidd at their small little shop for some earning, penguine, shachi, bepo and the others worked there as well

Surprisingly those two agreed to become an uncle to our sweet little angel here

Law was hesitant at first but he just went on with the plan anyways

"Hey hon..your dozing off again, maybe you should just go to bed I'll handle our little critter from here on out"

"I'm alright dear don't worry I was just...Y'know..thinking about everyone
I guess I just kind of missed them"

Law nodded in an understanding manner "we'll come visit them soon enough once C/N grows up a little bit more bigger"

I agreed and stood up again gently grabbing C/N from Law so he could take a rest in return, I kissed his cheeks and went back to work humming the same lullaby that Law hummed

He laid down to our bed and sighed in exhaustion and relief

"Having a kid is a lot of work huh.."

Law chuckled as I playfully rolled my eyes at him

"Oh shut up, You should have ran away when you had the chance before we got married" I laughed then later on I saw Law so standing up again walking towards our direction

"And let some other man steal you? not a chance sweetheart"

He quickly hugged me gently so that C/N wouldn't get smooshed and crushed between the two of us

I laughed once more and gently kissed both my child and my husband's forehead though I did need a little boost to kiss law's since the guy is just do fricking ass tall

"I never planned on having any other man other than you Law" I replied smirking as Law did the same

"Good and If anyone dares to try and harm both you and C/N their all goners" he gently kissed C/N cheeks then smooched my lips before smiling placing his forehead against mine

"I love you Y/N both you and C/N are my life now, my new reason to live and push forward to the unknown future"

I smiled and replied back

"And I love YOU Law both you and C/N right then, now and Always"

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