Koby x Y/N "Anything for you"

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This is a request from : sharoleolia

Thanks so much for requesting Koby! I was really waiting for an opportunity for someone to request him since he was one of the first ever characters I noticed and loved the moment I watched One Piece!

And as always Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



Being a Marine biologist is one of the most underrated jobs around my home town which was exactly why I left and decided to travel around the world

But yet I never expected that my current life would be living under the  soldier Garp the Hero from the Navy

"Y/N Garp-san wants to see you"

Losing myself to my own thoughts I snapped back the moment I saw Helmeppo leaning on the door frame waiting for me to follow him

"Oh- what's it about Helmeppo?" I asked curios on why Garp-san wants to see me

He shrugged and gestured me to follow "I honestly don't know, he wouldn't tell me the reason"

suspicious yet I nodded having no choice but to obey the rules, I walked towards his office and knocked three times before hearing him say 'come in' I nervously opened the door revealing myself to him

He was eating more or his cookies happily chewing on them and even waved at me

"Y/N! I was looking for ya! I needed to talk to you about something!" He happily said and kept on biting more from his cookies

"What is it about Garp-san??" I nervously asked

"Your close friends with Koby right?" He grinned a I awkwardly chuckled and sweat rolled down my head

"K-Kind of?? May I ask why?"

The more I ask him the more I get nervous of his reactions

His planning something.. and for goddamn sure I will never get out of it...

Preparing my funeral for myself I secretly sighed and got ready for whatever task he tends to put on me

"Why don't you and Koby go do some errands for me today ey? the others are quite busy so I'll have to give the responsibilities to you for today"

Yup.....either way ...I can never escape it whenever he does this..

Luffy....Ace ...Sabo...Koby how did you guys even manage to keep up with Garp-san's brutality fist of love...

"N-No problem sir We'll do it right away" I forced an awkward smile luckily he bought it and patted me on the back

"Atta' girl! alright Koby! Hurry up and get ready!" Just as Garp-san yelled out Koby was already prepared the moment he gave out the order

"All set to go Sir!" Koby Saluted and had a steady posture until we locked eyes and stared at each other for a moment

I can see Garp-san secretly giving Koby a thumbs up though I didn't mind it and stick my nose to my own business

Koby suddenly began to feel nervous and the more he makes it obvious the more it's affecting me as well

Damn it Koby! Stop being so adorable your making ME nervous as well!-

I took deep breaths as we both walked to the market to buy the lists that was needed 

"D-Do you need anything for yourself Y/N-san??" Koby nervously asked not looking at my direction and kept on walking

"Hm...maybe few books about marine life? I already finished the ones you gave me last month" I sheepishly smiled

It caused him to turn a little red and turned to face the other way and cleared his throat

"R-Really??...I bought you about ..ten books in total"

I awkwardly chuckled and looked at the other side "Y-Yeah.....I kinda finished it all in one sitting since I really loved the ones you choose for me"

the moment I told him that the blush on his face suddenly turned visible as he coughed and fixed his collar as if he was being choked

"I-Im truly glad you liked them" he replied I smiled and chuckled

"Like?? Koby I love them" feeling the heat radiating from my cheeks I too can feel my face turn red but I really wanted to tell him that for weeks now

And now was the perfect time to tell him that

Turning back and continued on walking I saw a small book shop filled with books for sale

knowing I cannot go there and focus more on buying Garp's requests on the list I decided to turn to the other way but Koby pulled me towards the shop

"K-Koby??- wait we still have errands to do-"

"Don't worry about that, we still have daylight so we can take our time today!" He turned to face me and grinned happily as he held my hand firmly caressing it with his thumb causing me to turn red again.

For a while we let ourselves loosen up and walked around town after he bought me another ten sets of books

He is making me feel guilty about these- how can he buye so many but not even one item for himself??-

He asked me about what we do as a Marine biologist and why I decided to become one

So I told him about my dreams and goals in life, talked about many animals and what's life like under the sea

Just having a conversation with him makes my heart flutter and beat faster

"So wait!- you mean to tell me Blue whales are actually pretty fast swimmers?!" He's eyes almost popping out from his eye socket causing me to laugh and giggle

"Yes and can grow to more than a hundred feet long, you will need thirty elephants to match it's weight as well"

As I kept on telling him more fun facts about the Marine life he was actually writing it down on his little notebook

"You really are amazing Y/N" he smiled as he stared deep into my eyes as I did the same

"Speak for yourself, you are brave, kind hearted and serve justice the RIGHT way unlike some magma bastard who almost harmed you-"

He covered my mouth in panic and nervously looked at me

"Someone might hear you! Your gonna get in trouble-"

"Don't worry he's not here is he?" I chuckled and patted his head and continued to walk

I realized that it was getting darker and we haven't even gotten any of what Garp-san requested so I started to panic

Koby was quiet for a moment before calling out to me sheepishly showing me the list

To my surprise was actually blank

"W-Why is it blank?? Koby what's going on?-"

"I-Im sorry for deceiving you Y/N-san!....A-Admiral G-Garp told me this method would work and that if we get to know each other better I might have a chance with you-"

I slowed him down since he was losing air, I admit I was confused on what is going on but...

I can never get mad at him

Chuckling I cupped his cheeks

"Honestly If you really wanted a date all you should have done was ask me directly silly Koby" giggling and laughing I kissed his cheeks and forehead making him turn red

"I-Im sorry...I'll keep that in mind next time.." he looked away with a blush remaining on his cheeks



He turned to face me and looked deep into my eyes once again filled with love and kindness

"Will you go out with me once again?"

I smiled and nodded

"Yes anything for you Koby"

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