Yamato x Modern Y/N "Since I'am Oden! will you be my Toki??"

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Hiya guys~!! Don't mind me just uploading some of the Oneshots on my drafts (this one of one of my favorite oneshots lol)

So yeah! Hope you Fellow readers enjoy this oneshot as well enjoy~!!



Whew~! Finally school work is definitely no joke but thank god it's over for now..

I can finally relax in my dorm and watch my favorite anime show!

After the long walk back home I was finally able to reach my room and flopped on the bed sighing in relief

"Right...now where did I put my mini folding table! I gotta watch some One Piece before going to bed!"

Excited, I immediately went to look for my mini folding table and prepared my laptop along with the extension, charger, drinks and foods

I set everything up in place and turned the lights off to give it a cinematic scene

Finally, I flopped down to the floor and pressed "play" on the bar and it started playing the opening music of the Wano arc

I was feeling giddy with excitement I definitely can't wait till I reach the Egghead island arc too! It's gonna be a blast watching that arc

It has this cartoonish artstyle and I'm loving it! Haters can go and fly fly away we ain't needing them! This anime is just the best no matter the artstyle!!

If you're asking "Am I obsessed with One Piece?" Yes. yes I'am this obsessed with One Piece and ever since I started watching it a year ago I was obsessed and never watched any of the new anime except for this!.

What can I say? I was determined to finish it and reach at least a thousand episode and hell yeah I already did it!

I was about to reach the episode where Yamato was gonna start fighting and clashing with his father and cut ties with him!

Young Kaido is good looking but Y'all have You guys SEEN YAMATO?! the man is just fine as a wine!

The man is gorgeous as hell I'm starting to wonder who his mom was cuz Yamato must have gotten his pretty looks from his momma

To y'all who prefer Kaido I respect that no offense there we all have different opinions that's all! *Nods*

Anyways back to watching the episode—


Wait why is it glitching??...what the hell Mom is gonna kill me if this laptop breaks we just bought this a year ago!

I started to panic since my laptop was starting to smoke and violet flash of lightnings started to appear

"O-Oi! Hang in there you're gonna be fine!" I said to my laptop, yes I talked to it just now, Im in a panic mode at the moment so I can't help it!!

I  tried to relax and breathe before I do something I might regret later on..

The episode stopped at the part where Yamato was about to clash with Kaido and before I know it..


A light almost blinded my eyes so I attempted to cover up I couldn't see properly but there is definitely someone in front of me now..

Did they.... seriously just popped out from my laptop?!

Was I watching way too much anime at this point??

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