Dad Mihawk x Kid Y/N "Three chaotic siblings"

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This is a request from : hd66vfvgnwprivaterel

Thanks so much for this request! I had a wonderful sweet Time writing this one! And I couldn't comment on your comment section due to it being reported

Seriously I have no idea why Wattpad reports this type of shit even though y'all did nothing wrong

But nonetheless I still decided to fulfill your request! So fear not and Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!

Also, this one shot honestly reminded me of Ace, Sabo and Luffy if Mihawk was the one who adopted them LOL



"Oi! Are you lost or something why are you hiding inside that barrel?"

A young boy about my age peeked through along beside him was also a young girl about my age

"Horuhoruhoru~! Aww look at the little one Zoro arent they so cute?"

My face started to go red the moment I heard the girl

C-Cute?! I'm not Cute-

Anyways, the Mosshead boy which I assume to be Zoro clicked his tongue

"Yeah Yeah whatever just help them get out from the barrel" he ordered causing the girl to whine at him

"Stop ordering me around! I'm the older one!"

Zoro only smirked and scoffed

"Well I'm the strongest"

So instead of helping me they ended up fighting each other until a certainly dark aura man appeared out of no where

"What are you two doing out in the open so late at night?"

The two kids froze and slowly looked up to find the place man frown and cross his arms

Zoro gulped his nervousness down while the pink hair girl's eyes started to water

"Z-Zoro started it!" The pink hair girl accusingly pointed towards Zoro

"No! you did! Being older than me doesn't mean your the strongest!" Zoro defended as the girl yelled back

"Oh yeah? Well Dad is way older than you and guess what HE is STRONGER than YOU!" She stick her tongue out as Zoro's head started to grow veins

"Say that again you crybaby good for nothing!-


The moment the tall dark guy ordered them to be quiet they both zipped their mouths

the man then slowly went his way towards me and peeked, I awkwardly looked up and sheepishly said 'hello'

"Hm....another stow away child?" He mumbled to himself and took me out from the barrel

Setting me down between Zoro and the pink hair girl

"State your name child"

"Y/N...sir .." I answered hoping he wouldn't think of it as a rude impression

I don't want my head to get cut off just because I was being rude to someone possibly dangerous

The man chuckled in amusement and smirked as he turned around and started walking

as if the two already know what he said Zoro jumped off the rock he was sitting on whilst the pink hair girl levitated following along the two

the man stopped on his tracks and turned around to face me

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