Aokiji x Y/N "Are you free on Friday?"

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[Now that Im done with Borsalino and Issho time to make an Aokiji /Kuzan One shot eyy~!!]

Anyways hope you enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



Which way was the kitchen again??.....ughh....why did I have to get lost right this moment when I'm in a hurry..

I sighed in frustration as I kept on looking for the kitchen from the map

keeping a steady pace I went on and continued to look for the kitchen until I stumbled and fell down to the floor

"Jeez what the hell just-" I cupped the bump on my head as I stared at a sleeping figure of a huge dude in the middle of the hallway

Is he dead??- no wait his snoring so obviously he is still alive

But why is he sleeping in the middle of the hallway though?-

"Uhhh- Sir you okay?? Do you need any assistance??" I hesitantly asked

The curly dude just scratched his head and looked back at me with his lazy eyes

"Nah I'm doing fine thanks for the offer though"

I nodded and took off my way passing from him and went to Sengoku-san office to give the papers I need to send

Right afterwards I finally got to the kitchen and boy was I so hungry

Luckily the chief here is nice and cooked me my favorite meal

"You new around kiddo?" The cook asked I nodded as I kept on munching on my food I asked them how did they know I was new around here

"Well rumors spread faster than you think, and they said that some new soldier will be joining us starting today and I never really expected to meet you here in my kitchen"

I cackled and laughed "well this might be my new favorite place to hang out with"

Soon enough the bell rang which means it was lunch time for the other soldiers and Admiral's to eat

"Say I'm quite short with employees here for a moment, mind helping out a bit?" The Chief asked of course I had to pay back for the food he gave me so helping him wouldn't be much of a trouble

And so I did help out around the kitchen with the cooking, preparing the plates and drinks and afterwards serving It to the soldiers

"Hey I know you, your that new soldier who arrived just yesterday! Thanks for serving us this delicious meal" One of the older soldiers pointed out and happily smiled eating his food

I chuckled and nodded my head with respect "just glad to be of use sir"

Aokiji POV

Yawning and scratching my head after a long nap as I heard the bell
It was lunch time

So I decided to stand up and went to the dining hall where everyone eats

and there I witnessed a young lady giving out foods for everyone, but not just a simple lady oh no

She was more than simple

I saw her smiling and chatting happily with the other soldiers, she was a newbie yet she already made so many friends and allies

She reminds me of strawhat in a way...cute too

Chuckling to myself for the ridiculous thoughts I walked in the hall being greeted by everyone who suddely got quiet the moment I entered in

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