Jinbei x Y/N "Love Has No Race" Part 2

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This is the continuation from the previous one shot where there was a cliffhanger (I know I also hate cliffhangers but please bare with me for the sake of this One shot! TwT)

Anyways! Hope you Enjoy reading this one as much as I love writing this!

Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



Okay....it's normal right?..it's definitely normal to get invited by the Queen of the Fishman Island


Who am I kidding Of course NOT!!
Why on earth did she have to notice me and invited me to the palace?!?

These Fishmen and Merfolk are already giving me the death glare of hatred

I had to look down and gulp down my saliva avoiding their gazes that felt like arrow behind my back with the way they were staring at me with hatred and distrust

The big blue skin guy must have noticed and glanced down on me feeling timid and terrified

He sighed and patted my head, to my surprise I looked up to him confused that why would he comfort me instead of hating me?

"I must apologize for their intimidating aura, please don't mind them.."

I shaked my head and smiled timidly "No it's okay I completely understand why your people would come to not trust me I'm a human after all"

"By all means Miss Y/N, even if you are a human as you speak you still showed the act of kindness that people rarely show these days...the way you accepted the help from Boss Jinbei and never feared away from him proves that you my dear are truly something special!"

Queen Otohime clasp her hands and excitingly smiled with her eyes closed and quickly went to lead me and Boss Jinbei to their palace by riding a giant shark with a bubble on its waist to prevent them from falling

As we entered into the palace gates we were greeted by three little children whom I assume to be Queen Otohime's sons

"Welcome home mother!!"

"Do re mi fa so- great to see you mother!"

"We have taken great care of Shirahoshi mother so no need to worry!"

All her children went to hug the queen and excitingly told her about their days and how they took great care of their little sister

Until her oldest son Fukaboshi noticed me from behind Jinbei

"Mother? Is she??..."

Queen Otohime nodded and smiled tenderly nodding her head

"My son's this is a lovely human girl, don't worry she is Mama's and Boss Jinbei's dear friend"

I shyly stepped and bowed to the princes awkwardly smiling and introducing myself

"It is an honor to meet all three of you your highnesses my name is Y/N L/N I'am a Marine Biologist, I study the lives of the ocean animals"

It piqued their interests when I mentioned about being a "Marine Biologist" and asked me if I could tell them more

Well to be honest they would know more than me since they practically live here but it wouldn't hurt to try right??

However Queen Otohime interrupted our little conversation and told the children to go check up on their sister before going to dinner

feeling a bit sad yet the Queen promised to then that we would be able to catch up later after dinner

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