Platonic Luffy x Y/N "Happy Birthday!"

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I know it's a few days late but I still wanna post this one somehow! (But due to my exams coming up I got busy TwT)

So I decided to write a very special oneshot that I'll probably read over and over again cuz no matter how many characters I love, Luffy will always have a special place in my heart TwT

So I hope you enjoy Luffy's special oneshot Birthday fellow readers~!!

PS. Y/N in this Oneshot is Luffy's sworn little sister UwU



"Hey Franky mind helping me with this for a bit? I can't reach the top over there"

"Suuuper! leave it to me Usopp!"

"Robin which flower do you think will suit for the designs?"

"Hmm Luffy doesn't really fancy flowers much, I think he would have preferred it to be someone edible.."

"Then we'll make edible flowers!"

"Great idea Chopper! I'll go whisk that up in the kitchen"

Everyone seems to be pretty busy at this time of the day

of course since it's our Captain's birthday everyone wanted it to be special!

I wouldn't contain my excitement at all and neither can Chopper, Franky and Usopp

Those three have been working on their little birthday gift for my brother and I can't wait to see his reaction once he does!


"Psst! Y/N! Our surprise for Luffy is almost ready! but we still need a little bit more time for finishing touches"

Franky was getting anxious since it was such a pressure on the guy to fix up a perfect gift so I smiled and patted his shoulders

"Not to worry Franky, Brook and Jinbei are doing a pretty good job at distracting him by going to town"

"Alright then! Suuuper thanks a lot Y/N! I'll see you guys later still need to finish up the surprise!"

With Franky running back to his workshop with Usopp, the door from the kitchen suddenly opened and revealed Sanji with a pink apron

Pfft—! It was the apron Nami, Robin and I made..

"Hey Y/N-chan can you come here for a second? I promise it'll be quick"

Sanji called out to me from the kitchen, I smiled and nodded making my way towards the door before Sanji closed it.

Puffing smoke from his cigarettes before throwing it to the trash bin, he then looked at my direction and asked

"I know the ingredients on how to make edible flowers but...the question is..which one? I'm not sure which type of flower would Luffy see fit"

Placing my index finger to my chin I hummed

" basically eats anything aside from that pie...sooo..."

I wasn't sure and was acting reluctant for a minute before Sanji remarked

"You know Luffy the best among all of us, so I'm pretty sure whatever you suggest would make him happy"

Sanji gave me a heart warming smile, I paid it back with the same bright smile before chuckling

"Alright, alright no need for flattery lover boy" I snickered

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