Sabo x Modern Y/N "Real World"

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This is request from :   portgasDAce_wife

Thank you so much for another wonderful request! Hope to hear more from you in the next updates dear Nakama~!

And of course as always Enjoy reading my fellow readers~!!


Sabo POV

"Sabo! Wait! Can't you slow down? Jeez you run too fast!"

I stopped on my tracks when Koala was starting to slow her pace and breaths heavyly

awkward chuckling I patted her back and gave her some water

"Sorry, guess your not really used to running too much huh.." I apologized yet she just stared right into my face and puffed her cheeks

"No you are just insanely stronger.." she playfully scoffed and ruffle my head

"We'll come on training is over for the day so we can rest easy now" I cheerful retorted and we both went back to our quarters to change and grab our dinner

"You two have been training for a while now good job, for that you can rest easy for tomorrow"

We both smiled and thanked Dragon for letting us have the day off for the next day

after dinner we all went to bed aside from those who still have night training with Ivankov and Kuma

"Alright now I can read my newly bought books without any training or studying in mind!" I happily stretched and plopped on my bed with my book on my hand and started reading

A couple of hours have passed and I already finished half of them

I decided to stop for now and took a break, I went to grab some snacks from the kitchen afterwards then I'll get back to reading my book

just as I was about to open my book for another reading session a strange aura started to appear

and I felt it was inside this book I'm holding right this moment...this was the book Kuma gave me on my twenty first birthday

It was leather on the outside and at some point I haven't really opened it for months after my birthday

Kuma said that I should open this book in the right moment and for months I've been looking for the RIGHT moment

And....I feel like it should be now, I have no idea how or why but ..instincts I guess??

Gulping down my saliva I slowly opened the book and a bright light appeared in front of my eyes

almost blinding me, I covered my face and looked away before feeling a force and magnet started to pull me inside the book

"W-What the?!-"

And just before I knew what was going on I was completely swallowed by a Book


Finally! Class dismissed for today's hell! Now I can finally watch One Piece back in my apartment!

Happily skipping towards my apartment I decided to grab some foods from the kitchen first before going to my room

sitting on my sofa and turning on the TV I watched few episodes of One Piece

And by few...I meant like...twenty episodes in one night-

And since it's gonna be weekend tomorrow might as well go to a hundred episode-

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