Ace x Modern Y/N "Saving Fire Fist" part 1

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Sooo ... like- I'm near Marineford Arc and Bish I can't- I'm not ready for Ace to become a Donut- 👁️👄👁️

Ehem! Anyways this one shot will be similar to Buggy and Sanji's but Y/N will be a modern type of person compare to the character itself, this one might take longer than the
the others since It will have part 2 lol

Anyway! Enjoy reading!! 💓💓

Y/N POV's only 11:35pm?? Nah still too early for me to sleep, might as well just go and grab some snacks so I can continue watching One Piece!!

I excitingly exited my room and went directly towards the kitchen to grab my snacks and drinks then went back upstairs

"Alrighty!! I have everything ready snacks, water bottle, sweets and a blanket that's good enough for me to get comfortable!"

after putting everything together I immediately grabbed the remote and turned on the TV

After a while it already got to the part where Ace was about to get killed by that bastard son of a- #₱$€^£$¥

anyways- just as it reached to that part of the episode suddenly it stopped working



*Click* *Click*

What the hell?- is my remote control already out of battery??

I should double check the TV firstly though ..

I sighed and got up from my coach and checked the TV just to make sure there aren't any major problems with it or small cracks

Thankfully none of that were the case....


I noticed how the TV started to glitch and I can feel something was pushing- no wait ...more like PULLING me towards the TV!-

"The fucking hell- hey! Whoever you are let go!-"

I tried to overpower whatever this creatures strength is but unfortunately couldn't and was suddenly pulled inside the TV




Suddenly a bright light appeared and I had to cover up my eyes due to the lightings hurting my eye balls

and it doesn't feel like there is any gravity around either..

Im floating..downward??

It's like I just entered in a rabbit whole..

A moment later I prepared for the painful impact that my ass was about to receive.

aaaand unfortunately yes It had to happened and my Ass made contact with the ground

"Where the obviously isn't my room.."

I stood up and wiped off the dirt from my clothes and looked around observing my surroundings carefully

"Oh well got no choice but to find shelter before sun down, but this place is oddly familiar"

I mumbled and started to walk to a random direction hoping to find at least a little place or corner to hide

Well no time to panic, it'll be a waste of my breath to scream like a damsel in distress ughh-

this place so damn familiar..I wonder where I saw this place..

Sooner enough I walked for about a few minutes and a half I heard few noises from afar

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