Katakuri x Modern Y/N "The Romantic Baker" part 2

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Since it couldn't fit in I just decided to add a part two on this one lol

Sorry if it took so long hope y'all enjoy it!!

Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



It has been a few months ever since I got teleported from my world to One Piece

Honestly I still couldn't believe that it happened and I admit I kinda do miss home a little bit, but hey I prefer this world more

I got no one left in my world anyways so what's the point of returning back??

Hmm what should I do today??
I'm kinda bored again..

Maybe...he won't get mad if I use his kitchen for a bit right??

Thinning my lips while thinking about it I shrugged and decided to go to the kitchen

There I met the chief and a few maids that were helping him with dinner

"Oh! Lady Y/N! Good Evening how can we help you milady??"

The chief turned around along with the other staffs and immediately bowed down to me

I dismissed it and waved my hands awkwardly telling them it's no need for them to call me lady

"Please no need for formalities guys I'd like it more if you would call me with just Y/N" I smiled

"Oh! O-Okay then so! Miss Y/N what is it that you need?" The Chief asked

I sheepishly smiled and looked at the utensils and other ingredients

"Uhm...can I bake something?? I'm just a little bored so I thought I'd pass the time by baking some sweets"

They all looked at me surprised but soon a smile crossed their faces and happily nodded

"Of course miss! Since we're already finished with Master Katakuri's merienda you are free to use all of the left overs!"

"Yay! That way it wouldnt go to waste thanks a lot!" I happily clapped my hands and quickly grabbed an apron wrapping it around me and went to baking

A few hours had passed by and I didnt even notice how the time was that late already

Katakuri hasn't returned home so we all just ate our dinners at the kitchen while the food they prepared for Katakuri was covered to avoid getting it cold.

After eating I went back to my baking, decorating and rolling up new doughs to bake in the oven again

All the cooked ones I gave to the chief, maids and Butlers of course they declined at first, but after a little bit of persuading I managed to make them accept my little token of appreciation for all of their hard works.

I made huge gigantic ones too of course I was planning on making some for Katakuri as a thanks for letting me stay here

Even if it kinda was the only way to keep me from sight from his crazy mother

The others volunteered to help me kneed it and I was thankful for the help, we made ten gigantic donuts in total with different flavors and textures.

I love baking ever since I was a kid, granny would sometimes get tired from all the baking so I offered to help as a substitute at our bakery

"Uhm...Miss Y/N?? Master Katakuri is here" one of the maids announced and everyone immediately went out to the hallway go greet their master good evening

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