Whitebeard x Y/N "Tale as old as Time"

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(And again it's really rare to see a Whitebeard one shot , so I decided what If I make and write my own??

Soo....that's what I did!

POV : Y/N here is a half Elbaf/ giant standing at the height around Whitebeards lower bicep and is the mother of the Whitebeard pirate]

Age range will be anywhere near 48-59 y.o but then again it is clearly up to you as well, you are free to imagine as you please

And again Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!

I hope you enjoy this fluff and wholesome oneshot!



"Good morning ma! How was your sleep??"

Marco landed on my shoulder as I stare at the horizon chuckling

"Doing well my boy, how about you and the others?" I asked in return he replied back with a deep sigh

"Same as always bunch of rowdy people and fight all the time especially that new kid" he grumbled causing me to giggle

"Fire Fist you mean?"

"He's been trying to kill Pops for months now Ma! Can't we do something about this?? It's been out of hand lately" Marco cried out which causing me again to giggle at the sight of my frustrated son petting his head gently and lightly

"Not to worry my boy, Ace will soon realize that we meant no harm is it only a matter of time" I smiled and stared back at the ocean observing the view

"Yo Marco! Dinner is ready!" Thatch appeared from the kitchen calling out to his brother as he looked up at me smiling as well "it's time to eat Ma let's go inside!"

I grinned and walked towards the kitchen following Thatch behind, as we went inside I was immediately greeted with Fire Fist grabbing a blade and was about to slash Edward from behind

Yet alas the boy has failed yet again, and this is the 98th times he lost

"He never learns does he.." Marco sighed in frustration while our Captain cackles

"Gurararara! He's an interesting brat, I'd like to see what he actually is capable of"

Marco turns towards my direction silently asking to stop this mess

I shrugged and laughed "let them be Marco dear, let them learn from their own mistakes" I patted his head and went to sit beside my husband

but the moment I attempted to sit on my own chair he quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards his lap

"Ohh~ nice moves Pops!" Thatch whistled and laughed causing the others to look at our direction

others were smirking, smiling and while the younger ones were looking away with a red blush on their faces

I crossed my arms and glared at Edward "What do you think your doing Newgate?"

Edward shrugged and laughed as he drank his booze away

"Nothing, just wanting to hug my wife after long day of fighting"

"You do realize we can cuddle in private right? There are children watching"

He used his signature laugh which caused me to frown and bonk his head

"Gurararara! It's fine dear, their all big boys now aren't you sons?"

Everyone cheered and lifted their boozes all drunk and rowdy

I sighed and rubbed my temple "you fools" I mumbled

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