King x Y/N "Love me at my worst"

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This is requested by : Luce_Pembrook

Thanks for being so patient y'all!! I really enjoyed writing King as well for the first time! I hope he isn't too out of character XD

Tbh whenever yall request a character to me that I'm not much familiar with their personality just yet I HAD to research them first before writing which is also why it's takes time for me to write them so I hope it's not much of a bother! 😭

Anywho Enjoy reading my bootiful fellow readers~!



"Kaido-sama, you called?"

I bowed down to the large, huge man in front of me lowering my head, he hummed and wiped his mouth after drinking more of his liquor

"Raise your head up Y/N"

I did what he said and lifted my head up to face him not fidgeting, nor shaking from fear

The man laughed and threw his head backwards "Worororororo~!! As always I don't sense fear in you! You should have accepted my offer to promote your rank into a Tobbi Roppo!"

Shaking my head I remained professional and formal with him and answered

"I'm afraid I cannot do that Kaido-Sama, I'am simply far too soft and weak to be of match to the current Tobbi Roppo members"

"You say that but you always have that death glare in your eyes whenever you kill an enemy. That is beyond soft and weak you are not giving yourself enough credit Y/N."

Kaido remarked but I just simply have to deny him over and over again, the actual reason why I never really wanted to accept the offer isn't because I was too soft or weak

Truth be told it was just a lame excuse, the true reason is because....

"Why force her when she doesn't want to Kaido-sama, don't waste your precious time on her"

Of course...HIM. King...

If I was a Tobbi Roppo member I would always get to see this imbecile and worst case scenario, I could possibly be assigned to work under HIM.

That is completely unacceptable, this man is crude, mean, cruel and bossy to basically anyone who is beneath him and his beneficials

I want nothing to do with this man.

They say Im a beast whenever I kill, they say that I was a killing machine someone who doesn't hesitate to strike their enemy down


That is all an act....

And of course the only person who knows my true King

Im the last of my kind as far as I know...

I'm a mix breed of a human and a Diwata..

[A Diwata can also be called an Elf but in my country the term is a Diwata :) ]

We used to be..."close" until he received the promotion of becoming Kaido's right hand man, we drifted apart

Both of us were saved by Kaido and for that I'am thankful however King is a different case and matter..

"Ah King perfect timing, I want you and Y/N do something for me"

Kaido brought me back to my senses and King and I looked up at him

"What is it Kaido-san?" King asked

"Worororororo~!! I want you two to have a battle"

King and I blinked looking at each other and to him making a face of 'is he serious'

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