Uta x Y/N "Right here waiting for you"

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Finally! Someone requested Uta! Lol anyways this is a request from : RodyTody

Thank you for requesting her I've been waiting forever! XD

This is by far one of my fav ones that I have written! The other ones are Jinbei's, Koby's and Buggy lol

Anyways enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



I was sitting on the balcony writing down new songs as I hum the melody

"Hey Y/N, making a new music I see?"

Turning around revealed Uncle Yasopp as he sat down beside me, I nodded and continued to write down the lyrics

"Yeah I was thinking of hmm maybe something about freedom"

He hummed and nodded "yeah that's a good choice" he complimented I muttered a thank you and continued to work on it

Soon enough Uncle Lucky Roo called out to us that Lunch is ready as Uncle Yasopp and I ran to see who runs the fastest

"You idiot, your getting old so obviously Y/N will win cuz she is still a young rascal" Uncle Lucky Roo laughed at Uncle Yasopp who was panting and catching his breath

Uncle Shanks patted my head as he continued to mock and laugh at his crew mates demise

"How have you been Y/N?? It's been a long while ever since you visited us"

"I've been good actually, Im writing down another new song but it's still on going though"

His expression went to an 'awe' and nodded asking if he can hear it I nodded and grabbed my notebook

Soon enough everyone was surrounding me waiting for me to start singing my new song

"There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword~ he will tear your city down

oh-lei oh-lai oh-lord~

oh-lei oh-lai oh-lei oh-lord

he will tear your city down oh-lei oh-lai oh-lord~"

After a few more verses I stopped and heard Uncle Shanks and his crew applus smiling

"Well done Y/N! Keep it up I can't wait till you complete this one!"

Shanks laughed and ruffled my hair once more

Just then footsteps was heard as everyone turned to face the door already knowing who it's gonna be

"Normally I'd get jealous that Y/N gets all the attention from you guys...but honestly....I'm more jealous that you guys are stealing her attention away from ME"

Yup...it's her alright, should have known she would start to pout the moment everybody gets comfortable and talk to me

Oh well it can't be helped, I should have expected this to happened haha

"Heyy! Uta your awake, we didn't get to wake you up since you were sleeping peacefully and all-"

"Oh don't bother Uncle Yasopp I know you guys just wanted to tease me by getting all of her attention towards yourselves" It's pouted and crossed her arms as she quickly went to my side

Everyone can see how adorable she gets whenever she pouts so they couldn't help but tease her most of the time

Especially ever since they knew that she was the jealous type of person

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