Buggy x Modern Y/N "Join My Crew Lady"

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{In this POV You are from the real world who was Teleported to One piece}

*Crying in Crocodile tears since I wanted to do it so badly TwT*


After finishing off work I decided to go to the convinient store to grab a quick dinner since I was too tired and lazy to cook my own

today at work was just an average and normal day not to busy at all

however it was still pretty tiring considering that the paper works were still yet to be finished and the deadline will be in three days

when I got home and ate my dinner I was about to plump into my bed when an Idea popped into my head

"Hmm....just a few episodes would be alright!"

I quickly got up from my sheets and went to grab my laptop clicking the BiliBili app and choose One Piece my all time favorite Anime show in history!

I was squealing with excitement as I went on to press the play button and was at the part where Buggy the clown will be shown again

as it was about to play the Opening song it started to glitch and turn black
Clicking my tongue I tried to fix it but I couldnt

trying all the methods and even called my friends to fix it but it still was no use not until-

"Huh? Wait what the-"
Everything went black

"Oi...Oi! Wake up woman!"

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, did I fell asleep while watching One piece again??...Oh no..Am I late for school?!-

Oh wait....Im already graduate.....BUT I HAVE WORK?!

feeling frantic I woke up immediately and gasped panicking

"oh no oh no oh no! Im gonna be late for work!-"

The people around me looked confused and shocked when I shouted some even went to calm me down but it was no use until I heard a deep voice behind me

"Quiet down lady dont ruin my party"

It was a very familiar voice..could it be??...

"Buggy..the Clown???"

I was star strucked and mouth opened when I stared at his face...HIS ACTUAL FACE AND HE IS REALLY HERE?!? NO WAIT I'AM HERE BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!

he is goddamn real?!?

His crew including him went confused and shocked at my response usually a Normal person would scream and demand where they are but ohhh no no no~ sweetcheeks I was never and never will be normal

Some got furios and yelled pointing at me

"How dare you speak to boss like that?!? Show some manners Woman!"

"Whoa whoa take it easy old man jeez Wouldnt want you to spill your fake teeth on the ground by shouting too much"

As I held my hands high I can hear few giggles and laughs when I talked back to the old dude hell I even heard Buggy chuckling!!

"Your an Interesting little one arent you Young Lady~ I say...how about I make you a deal hm~? i'll let you stay in my ship if-"

"- If I join your crew?? Hell yes I would!"

He was taken aback at my comment and laughed amusingly this time

"I was about to say Slave but oh well I guess since your flashingly amusing me i guess an entertainer might be better~"

I secretly punched the air for letting Buggy join me to his crew!!

"Yes! You wont be dissapointed Buggy Sir!- I mean Captain!" I jokingly saluted to him and laughed again not caring the looks other give me

"You truly are an interesting Individual arent you~??" He deep chuckled which led me to blush a little I awkwardly looked away while scratching the back of my neck

Util a feeling of a weird kind of Glove on my chin it made me look up, truth be told I wasnt surprised it was Buggy

He looked at me with his dark blackish Eyes and gave me a smirk

"No.. scratch being a Slave nor an entertainer....I'd rather have you all to myself my darling newly found Treasure~"

"Boss are you really sure we can trust them?"

One guy with a lion beside him pointed at my direction suspiciosly while buggy just went to my direction and laughed grabbing my shoulder and waist line

"Yes Of course, Do you have a problem with it?"

A dark sinister smile plastered on his face as he glared at his crew who suddenly and quickly agreed with him, he looked at me and smirked once again

"Well then...Welcome to My Crew darling Treasure~"

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