Fisher Tiger x Y/N "The Only Human I'll Ever Love"

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Heyy!! It's been a damn ass long time since I updated I still have an exam coming up so I can't really write all too much TwT

But! I promise after exam I'll have a lot of free time that I can guarantee!

So please to those who have requested me their oneshots please wait a little more! But for now I have written Fisher Tiger (he is such an underrated character)

and plus I have never seen any One Piece oneshots that has Tiger in it! So hope y'all enjoy this one fellow readers~!!



Ohh this will make a great ingredient for the stew later

I'll be sure to take note of this one too...thank god I brought my notebook with me

Let's see......which other dish should I cook next...

I'm sure everyone would be pleased with the stew right??

Well let's wait and see I guess-

"Out of the way! Move it!"

I turned around only to find Aladdin along with Hatchan their expressions filled with panic and fear

Aladdin spotted me and ran to my side behind him was Hatchan

"Y/N! It's an emergency! Boss Tiger has been shot by Marines!!"

My confused expression turned to fear and panic as I dropped the ingredients

I followed the two men to the clinic where I witnessed Tiger's bloody face and boy lying down the bed unconscious

There was a stand where the blood bag was hanged but for some reason the tube wasn't attached to his arm

"Wait....why isn't the tube connected to him?!" I asked looking towards Aladdin

He looked at me with a frown on his face as he clenched his fist to a ball and stiffened his jaw

"He....refuses to take it..."

" ....What?..."

I suddenly frowned and frantically ran to his side

"Tiger?? Tiger! Can you hear me? Hey come on man wake up!"

I grabbed his hand and gripped on it tightly as much as I could hoping he would wake up

"His blood is very rare and none of us here fishmen are compatible with his blood..." Jinbei said with a raspy voice he looks down

Everyone was starting to feel terrified with their captains safety hell even Arlong was showing off more emotions than before

It shows how Tiger is respected and loved by his people....

No....he can't...he just CAN'T DIE...

"Aladdin, what's Tiger's blood type??" I asked, Aladdin reluctantly answered trying to hold back his tears and not showing his nervousness

"S(RH-).....he is the only one who has that kind of blood type among us fishmen here....there is a human one but...."

"I refuse......"

We all focused our attention to the weakened voice only to see Tiger slowly opening his eyes

Everyone was relieved that he was breathing but those rejoice was brought back to panic once he coughed more blood

"Brother Tai! Please don't talk you have to focus on breathing and dont lose more blood!" Arlong frantically said panicking just like everyone else

I too was panicking but decided to not show, I need to breath in and out to calm down

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