Katakuri x Y/N "A way to a Man's Heart is through his Stomach" part 2

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I was preparing all of my stuffs so I can go home and rest until I heard my boss knocking on the open door

"Hey uhh Y/N you got a minute?? It's really important"

I nodded and went up to her asking what's up as she bit her bottom lip and awkwardly looked behind her revealing a very Huge Man with a large scarf surrounding his neck and bottom face

He seems oddly familiar...

Suddenly I can feel myself tense feeling his heavy strange aura around and across the room

I remained calm and bowed respectfully towards the man

"Good evening How may I help you sir??"

He just looked at me for a long moment before answering as he walked to the exit door

"Come, your invited for Mama's birthday party tonight"

Wait ....say WHAT?!-

I was about to protest until he answered before I can reply

"And I won't take NO for an answer"

Looks like so don't really have a choice in the first place Sheesh..

My boss looked at me with worried look and asked if Im sure with this
I sighed and nodded my head

"I'll pull it off..I guess" I chuckled and started to grab my things and gave the key to Rika

"Lock up at midnight Kay? See you on Monday guys"

As I went outside to follow the huge guy he was waiting with crossed arms leaning on the wall before standing properly and started walking

"Uhm ..I don't have any proper attires for the Occas-"

"I already had your formal wears sorten out its in the guest room where you will be staying for the night"

I sighed as I try to follow through his walking pace which to me is like jogging due to how huge and tall he is with those long legs he can reach the other side of the globe in minutes!

"And let me guess..No is still invalid?"

"Precisely, your getting the hang of it good."

If he wasn't all this serious I would have said it was something of like a dad joke but I bet he wouldn't laugh either way-

"What's your name by the way?? Haven't seen you around before.."

He stopped on his tracks for a while before answering again

"Charlotte Katakuri"

Then he started to resume walking and he kept on doing so without talking

Katakuri??....wait so he is- the guys Rika mentioned?!

They werent kidding when they said he was freaking huge!

"Hey last question....Why did you invite me to the party?? Isn't it just suppose to be you and your family?? Why invite a random Baker??"

"Your...not a random Baker...your someone....."

I tilted my head In Confusion


He nodded as if he read my mind wait did he really?-

"Yes someone...who makes those special Donuts, yours are the best among all of the ones I tasted"

I can't help but to blush at the compliment he gave me as a Baker I felt really proud that I pulled it off sighing secretly I smiled

"Well T-Thank you for the positive feedback Sir Katakuri"

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