Kawamatsu x YN "For 13 years I've Waited"

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I decided to write about our sweet boy Kawamatsu cuz who doesn't love the cutie patootie?? (Imma throw some hands if someone insults him!—)

Anywho I hope y'all still gonna enjoy reading my fellow readers!!

A little heads up it's mixed with sweetness and bitterness : D


Kawamatsu POV

Today was such a peaceful day in Kuri, everyone was having their normal routines, little children playing around, elderly people having tea together..

Me along with Kinemon, Ashura, Denjiro and the others are all walking
Around the town patrolling around to keep the place at peace

"By the way Kinemon aren't you going to visit Otsuru today? You haven't seen each other for quite some time now" said Denjiro as he walks with the same pace as Kinemon

Kinemon raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms humming as he closed his eyes

"Hmm..indeed you're right..I haven't seen her for a long time I wonder how she is holding up.." he muttered

"Well then maybe you should go and visit her?" I suggested the others nodded their heads in agreement.

He smiled and nodded deciding to indulge our suggestion to him and went to visit Otsuru, but one of the elderly said that she was busy and told us to wait outside

Just a couple of minutes later the elderly lady opened the sliding door for us and smiled "here she is "

Behind her was a tall lady with a blue Kimono, her raven hair tied up and has hair ornaments hanging at the back of her hair bun, she smiled and waved hello to all of us and her smile just got wider the moment she saw Kinemon

"Kin! Where have you been?? You haven't visited me at the shop in a while" she pouted puffing her cheeks while me and the others were trying to hold our giggles and snickers

"E-Err...I deeply apologize Tsuru..we were just having a busy time this month ever since Lord Oden became the Daimyo of Kuri, but! I give you my word I will make it up to you!"

While Kinemon was busy talking with Otsuru at the other side me and the others were at the opposite ends of the room being served tea by the kind elderly lady

"Otsuru! Have you seen my sash anywhere? I can't seem to find it.."

My eyes widened the moment I heard that voice, and it seems like I wasn't the only one who noticed it since Denjiro, Ashura, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi were raising their eye brows and smirking at me in a teasing way, silently I sipped on my tea trying to avoid their gaze

"Oh we can look for it later Y/N you can just borrow mine in the mean time, Kawamatsu can you please assist Y/N for a bit?"

Everyone was now looking at my direction, I gulped down my saliva nervously nodding and standing up

"O-Of course Otsuru..." I muttered with a flustered face I glanced up at Y/N and nodded my head smiling sheepishly

"Hey Kawa-kun it's been a while!" She waved hello and grinned so brightly it almost made me melt due to the redness of my face

"Y-Yes..truly has been quite a w-while ..M-Miss Y/N"

"Oh stop with the formalities Kawa-Kun we're childhood friends are we not?"

Indeed we were friends ever since we were little children but now she has become into a fine, beautiful and benevolent woman

While me....well....I couldn't say I changed much I'm just still me the lost little kappa that Oden-sama saved

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