Kid Zoro x Time Traveler Y/N "Man to Woman promise"

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(Annd part three coming up next to Kid Sanji and Kid Robin oneshot!

And this time we are greeted with our Kid Marimo!

Hope you enjoy fellow readers~!!)



"Again Y/N?? How many times must I tell you to not get up from bed for at least two weeks!"

Chopper kept scolding me while I bowed and looked away awkwardly

"I'm sorry....I just ...I thought it would help me enhance my skills and control over my own devil fruit" I defended which Sanji Nodded as well blowing on his cigarette

"Y/N-san...I personally think you should get the proper rest and listen to Chopper he is our doctor after all..."

"However.....we are thankful for what you have done for us all those years ago Y/N" Robin added and gave me one of her most sentimental and emotional smile

Chopper looked back and forth towards me, Robin and Sanji, even Usopp, Brook and Nami got confused

"What are they talking about Y/N what did you do back then??" Usopp scratched the back of his neck confused

Robin only giggled whilst Sanji huffed in amusement

I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders and innocently smiled

"Who knows how their minds work their both cunning when they needed to be"

"With Robin yeah I'll believe that but with this swirly eye brow? Yeah I doubt that" Zoro snickerd as he closed he eye to take a nap

Sanji's veins suddenly popped from his forehead and faced Zoro kicking his head

"Who is a Swirly Eye brow Huh?! You damn Marimo!!"

"Who're you calling Marimo huh?!-"

Nami had to bonk their heads to stop their bickering and dragged them out from my room so that Chopper cam examine me peacefully

"Alright now you need extra three days of rest because of you using your Devil fruit without proper guidance, but don't worry you'll feel better soon!  I guarantee it!"

I chuckled and ruffled his hair and smiled thanking him as he did his little flustered tsundere dance

"It's not like I get flustered with your compliments you moron~!!"

A few minutes later and we heared a knock on the door revealing the Mosshead from earlier

"Hey Chopper Luffy and Usopp are calling you said that Franky is working on some new weapon"

Chopper's eyes started to sparkle and immediately ran to where Franky's station is located

Leaving only me and Zoro alone, he closed the door while he carried something on his other hand

"What's that Zoro??" I asked

Zoro sat down and placed the box on the table and opened it revealing a warm soup and some other stuffs that I happened to like

I got confused for a moment until I realized that he just wanted to make sure I was doing alright

Zoro looked away with a flustered face and muttered

" help you feel better.."

He shyly grabbed the bowl of soup and gently handed it towards me, I happily accepted and smiled

"Thank you Zoro guys are the best"

Zoro scoffed in amusement trying to hide his smile looking away

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