Killer x Y/N "Mask Off Pretty Boy"

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Again this is a wonderful request by :

Thanks again for this other request! I enjoyed writing Kidd and now I get to write Killer too! Hope you like it

And as always Enjoy reading fellow Readers~!!



"Hey Heat, has killer always been this distant??" I asked as I helped heat fix some few broken stuffs on the engine

Heat shrugged and kept on working while he answered

"I'm not sure since Killer has always been a distant and quiet man, quite the opposite of our Captain"

It's true that Killer and Kidd were both best friends and partners but those two really have opposite personalities

I'm surprised these two never fought in a heated like argument before since Killer seems to be the more calm and mature one all the time

After Heat finished up his chores he stood up "why don't you try and help Killer out? I've never really seen you get along with Killer and well..Captain is already excluded in the part of getting along with you"

Heat chuckled and cleaned himself up and went back inside, I stayed outside and gave a little thinking on what he said glancing at Killer from time to time

Heat has a point...I never really had a talk with Killer aside from having to exchange a few words

The longest talk we had was whenever we were in battle

Once Killer finished mending and fixing the broken parts of the ship he wiped off his hands and cleaned himself up

"Mind if I help out? wasn't really doing anything in particular anyways" I sheepishly chuckled and waited for Killer to answer

He looked up at me and shrugged as he was checking for any more broken parts "Sure, can you fetch me my bento? I think I left it on the kitchen table"

I nodded and went to fetch his Bento from the kitchen

Only to find Kidd...

"Kidd?! What the hell dude that was Killers lunch!" I scolded and bonked his head

"Gah!- son of a bitch! What the hell woman?!"

"What the 'HELL' indeed Kiddo, that was the only bento left and you literally just had lunch couple of minutes ago! Killer hasn't eaten yet"

Kidd clicked his tongue and kept on eating ignoring me and what I just said

"Why are you so worried about him anyways? The guy is tough and can handle shit, his not some kind of baby that you can pamper"

I looked away feeling shot and targeted which was honestly true

yes I do care for Killer is it bad? Is there something wrong with that??

"So? What if I do care for him? At least he has a better attitude and good manners unlike some immature asshole here!"

Kidd's face ticked and veins started to crack from his forehead and gritted his teeth

He grabbed my shirt around my collar and bumped his head against mine

"Say that again you insolent woman! don't try and test me or I'll throw you overboard!"

I was about to sass him again but was stopped by Killer going in between me and Kidd sighing to himself

"Alright you two enough fighting, we still have an island to land on so let's focus on getting there"

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