Killer x Y/N "Quality Time"

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"Hey Y/N have you seen Jaggy anywhere?!"

I lowered down the newspaper from my face startled when my captain suddenly ran up to me screaming

"No, don't tell me you got into another competition with him again Luffy"

I sighed as I rolled my newspaper and placed it on the table and gently grabbed the handle of the tea cup before sipping on my coffee

Luffy on the other hand was like an angry bull who literally saw his worst ever archenemy

Which was Jag— I mean Kidd in this case.

"He must have cheated again didn't he?! That's not fair! Imma beat his ass up once I see him, Gotta go Y/N I have a competition to win!"

And just like that Luffy ran like flash in an instant he was gone chasing after Kidd, I chuckled and shrugged sitting back down once again to relax for a bit before returning back to my studies later.

For a few couple of hours it was peaceful since the two captains are probably fighting somewhere on the island we landed on

"StrawHat-ya! Eustass-ya! Enough with your babbling nonsense, I won fair and square so both of you need to shut up"

"Hah?! And who the fuck said you'd get to announce shit like that huh?!"

"Yeah Tora-o! Jaggy is right cuz we all know that it was me who won!" Law is finally there to complete the trio huh, I must say these three are indeed one of the worst generations

These three are beasts when it comes to the battle grounds and are brutal when it comes down to it

I chuckled and continued on my day drinking my tea peacefully while the three were still continuing their competition.

Not a moment has passed by I heard heavy footsteps coming from behind me, I was currently sitting on a chair in the playground of Sunny

"Fancy seeing you here Kil"

I looked behind me smiling and looking up at the huge and tall ass man looking down at me with his mask as usual.

He chuckled deeply with his unique voice shrugging

"Mind if I sit down with you?" He asked tilting his head to the side, I shaked my head and respond

"By all means go on ahead"

He sat down beside me with the extra chair he had on his hand and together we watched as our captains were still competing against each other.

Soon enough another person arrived behind me and Killer we turned around to see who it was and saw a cute big polar bear mink and a tall raven hair girl

"Hiya!! Is it alright if Rosalinda and I join you??"

It was none other than Law's first mate and little sister


[If y'all are wondering who Rosalinda is, she is basically Law's adopted little sister and is Corazon/Rosinante's biological daughter. Just a little Oc that I inserted in cuz why not? : D ]


I smiled at the two and nodded letting them join me and Killer enjoying the little show our captains are making

"They're not gonna stop till someone wins aren't they.." Rosalinda commented Bepo nodded in agreement

"If there is one thing we should know about our captains is that they are all stubborn as Hell." I added, Killer and the others hummed and nodded

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