Ace x Modern Y/N "Saving Fire Fist" Part 5

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I rested a few hours and got back on my feet afterwards luckily I just swallowed way to much salt water and felt dizzy due to the intense speed

but It was all worth it after all....not only I successfully saved Ace from Impeldown

I saved Bon Clay from his horrible fate too, unfortunately I couldn't save Luffy on time with the poison but alas he survived so that's a relief

And now we are here ...apparently about to find Whitebeard before he appears on the Marineford

Now that Ace is safe...for now should be an enough reason for him to talk to his pops right?? ...

Let's just hope Whitebeard doesn't make an irrational can get him killed

For a moment I leaned forward towards the railing until I saw someone approaching me

It was Ace...

He awkwardly coughed and rubbed the back of his head

"You okay now?? Any better at least?" I nodded and smiled feeling touched that Ace seems to care for everyone's well being

"Y'know of it weren't for you we all would have been dead by now"

Technically no? For their case but not in yours well..not yet ya stupid fire fist!- but also Fuck Akainu if I see that bastards face Imma kick him in the balls!

I inhaled and exhaled trying to calm down the future anger inside of me

"Hey that's not entirely true, pretty sure you all would have found a way one way or another and besides we got out because of teamwork" I chuckled and smiled patting his head

He was about to say something when we heard loud explosions from the other side

"It's.....crap! Ace it's your Father!" I yelled out as his eyes widened

".... pops...damn it I have to stop him!"

I patted his shoulders and nodded giving him encouragement

"We got your back Ace!" Ace nodded and grinned and we both ran and joined in the fight apparently we are a few minutes late from the war

Instead of them rescuing Ace it turned out to be Ace stopping them from creating world war by trying to convince whitebeard to calm down a bit

honestly was a good idea to stop him, If Akainu gets any closer to Ace the mission will be over!

Ace ran ahead of us quickly towards the Moby Dick

"They must have thought that the Marine's have custody of Ace now"

Jinbei mentioned as I nodded in agreement

"Yeah all the powers have been cut when we left Impeldown so there was no way to signal the Marine's about the situation so easily" I added

"Where is my son you wretched brats!" I can heard Whitebeard from here yelling in rage looking for Ace

Jinbei nervously looked up and saw Whitebeard creating giant cracks forming large waves

"Don't tell me his using it now?!" I panicked for a moment before regaining my composure when Jinbei asked if I knew whats about to happened

"Yeah....his gonna create large waves but was stopped by Aokiji A.K.A Kuzan and created pile of Ice" I answered, Jinbei hummed and thought for a moment

"So we have the advantage on our side it's like you predicted our every moves" Jinbei retorted and chuckled

"No I just like watching and reading One Piece all the time maybe that's where I get my knowledge from" Chuckling I dismissed what Jinbei said and focused on Ace running to his Fathers ship

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