Doflamingo x Y/N "I Hate How Much I Love You"

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This is a request from : KinoPika

Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took a long time but hope you'll enjoy this one!

As always Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!



Oh great JUST great what the hell am I suppose to do....

First off I decided to travel as a tourist  to see the world all "Alone" and now look where it got me!

Secondly not only was I captured but now I'm getting sold at the auction?! the fuck?!—

Anyways...this might be one of my final moments...

I should just give up on life...and accept my fate..being sold to these pirates, nobles and celestial dragons..

Letting them do whatever they want to me..I'll be completely fine with it...

That's right...I should just fate...

HAH! Sike bitch! As If!!

I'm not some kind of damsel in distress who can't fend and take care of herself

that type of woman is what we would call weak! I mean come on seriously? Being saved by a MAN? give me a break

You don't need a man to save you, the only person who can save you is yourself

And that goes on BOTH parties people, you don't need a Woman to save your ass you have yourself!

So now I literally just needed a plan to escape this place, it'll be easy but...I don't wanna cause a scene just yet

"Get ready! These guys will be the last ones get the pretty girls out there first!" The weird looking dude ordered his men to get us out from our cell and pushed us to the stage

Just as the other man grabbed my arms I elbowed him on his stomach and kicked the other guy's private part causing him to cry out in pain

"What the?!— you there go get her immediately!! If the young master finds out that one escaped then we're all dead! that woman is valuable don't let her escape!"

He must be their ring leader of some shitty show

Ahh shit! I gotta make a run for it then!

"W-Wait! Boss I can't find the keys anywhere!" One of the minions cried out

smirking to myself I got the key on my lips biting it, I hid at the corner first as I broke free from the chains I sighed in contemptment and relief

Phew~! Now that's one handcuff off! I'll have to release everybody else

Slowly I made my way to the cell where two more gaurds were watching over

Great! This will be the perfect time to test out these new inventions I created!

Grabbing two special orbies from my pockets I Squished them both by full force and threw them to the two men

leaving the two coughing up and suffocating I quickly went behind the two to knock them unconscious grabbing the other keys to open up different types of cells

While the others ran some stayed behind to help other prisoners to get out from their cages

Everything must be chaotic and messy outside many people can be heard screaming

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