Kaido x Reader "Find a Cure"

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This was a request by : nothing0_o
Thanks so much for the request! This is the first time I've ever written Kaido so it's quite new for me lol
But I tried my best sooo

Also! Kaido here will be a bit less aggressive towards his son Yamato

Let's just pretend he is a tsundere on this one shot XD

Soo anyways!! Enjoy Fellow readers~!!



"Find me the cure you fools! Before my beloved returns or I will chop down your heads!"

"Y-Yes right away boss!"

What on earth is he doing??

I recently just returned from my short journey from the wholecake island and it had only been a couple of hours when I was absent

And yet here they are ...causing another trouble once more

I secretly sighed to myself as I was mentally preparing for the worst case scenario as I opened the sliding door

There I witnessed my husband panicking-


what on heaven and hell is going here??-

Staring down with full shock on my face when I witnessed how Kaido turned into a child

More like a Chibi child??

He immediately hid himself from me behind the curtains growling to himself

"You'll have to forget what you just witnessed Y/N..." He mumbled

I couldn't help but giggle as I walked closer to him taking away the curtains from his grasp

He tried to grab it from me but he did turn quite small so it was difficult for him to reach it

Well kinda great now that he knows what small people feels like

"So tell me honestly...how on earth did you manage to turn into a Chibi size form dearest??" I asked trying to contain myself from laughing

".....some foolish brat accidentally hitting me by their artificial devil fruit while in training.."

He mumbled I couldn't take it any longer and cackled causing him to turn red from embarassment

"Silence woman! Should you be in my place I'm sure it will shut you up!" He looked away with a blush on his face

I pinched his cheeks while still giggling and laughing

"I'm sorry- really..it's just- haha..your being adorable dearest" I grinned causing Kaido to look away as his cheeks grew redder every minute

Finally I decided to stop teasing him and helped him find a cure for this madness

"Shouldn't we be contacting Caesar if you want this to be cured?" I suggested to which he hummed and thought about for a moment

"Maybe...but as of right now we don't really know his location, and I don't want to be seen like... THIS."

even his voice turned into a kid it's adorable

although I probably should just shut up about it before he explodes again

"You know....your the only person aside from LinLin and Newgate to completely be relaxed and not fear me"

I looked down on my husband and pinched his chubby cheeks grinning

"Do you honestly think I would have married you if I feared you?"

Kaido was taken aback and turned away once more mumbling

"No ...it appears that you honestly have no cowardness in you, which is exactly why I choose you to be my spouse"

I huffed and pinched his ears causing him to Yelp

"If I remember correctly you said you wanted to marry me because~ you Lo-"

"Don't. Say that word-"

Okay the thing is....I know he cares for me and for his little boy

But honestly...you can't really see it because of how corrupted his mind can be

I feel bad for Yamato but I'm glad he found people who cared for him so I know he'll be safe

His father however...

Needs a little bit more fixer upper for his attitude and manners

And for one ..Kaido hates the word "Love" so I tend to tease him about it a lot of times

"Come now Y/N...don't make me say that word-"

"Why not~?? It's not that bad to say it~" I chuckled as I keep poking his cheeks

He started to get irritated yet somehow he just sat there beside me crossing his arms

Under normal circumstances if it was another person whom was doing this to him he would have chopped down their heads

But I never once feared him even though he threatened me many times in the past

I never once back down from his fights and I usually win during arguments where common sense is applied

"Come on~ just say it once please~??"

I pleaded and sheepishly smiled, Kaido sighed and clicked his tongue

"Fine......I......-ve you"

"Hm?? What was that dear? I didn't quite here you~" I chuckled

"Tch...I love you, you foolish woman"

Finally I smiled and stopped teasing him, kissing his cheeks as he turned bright red once more

"See~?? It wasn't so hard now was it?"

"How on earth do you not feel cringed whenever people say those types of words.." Kaido mumbled

Just then we heard a knock on the door and upon opening we saw Page one and Ulti

I asked for their reports and they informed us that Caesar was surprisingly here in wano

Coincidence or not Kaido didn't care anymore and just immediately ordered the two to bring Caesar to us

"Just bring him here, I want to get out from this disgusting body form and Chibi voice..."

I laughed and patted his head

"Oh well, at least we found the cure"

"Hm.....he better hurry up...I do not want to be the little spoon in this relationship" 

He is just giving me more ideas that I definitely know will get me in trouble

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