Ichiji x Mute Y/N "My love language"

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This is a request by : yay_b1tch

Thank you for the request here! I enjoyed this one as well! Truth be told I never liked the way Ichiji and his brothers treated Sanji but then again they were also victims in the hands of Judge

Alas they still harmed Sanji so yeahh But! This is a One shot is about you and your lover and I like him in this one shot and at the time he helped Sanji and his crew escape from big mom sooo anyways!

Enjoy reading fellow readers~!!


Ichiji POV

"Honestly if you haven't been so careless you could have avoided this burn of yours"

As Reiju sighed I bat my eyes away and clicked my tongue creating wrinkles at the center of my forehead

"Oh Please this is nothing- OW! YOU SON OF A-"

"Behave yourself!"

Reiju smacked my head before I could swear and glared at me

"Well someone has been having a rough day at work"

We both turned around to find Nichiji and Yonji cackling and snickering at my state whilst Reiju deadpanned looked at them and went back to patching me up

"Oh Fuck off you two, this wound is nothing for me" I grumbled and looked way

Nichi rolled his eyes and scoffed in amusement

"Right and the one that gave that excuse away was your scream from earlier dear big brother"

Yonji cackled and laughed patting my back aggressively leading me to cough and hiss in pain

It caused me to death glare towards my younger brother Yonji

"Oops- M-My bad haha...it was an accident I swear-" Yonji nervously chuckled raising both his hands and started walking going behind Reiju

"What are you doing? Acting like a coward now Yonji?" Reiju glanced with a disappointed look on her face and shooked her head

Soon enough there was a knock on the door only for us to find a servant whom has called us for dinner

"Your father has something important to discuss with all of you"

"oh finally dinner at last" I sighed and stretched carefully since Im still half burnt

Everyone else followed along beside and behind me as I continued to walk towards the diner

Upon opening we all bowed as we saw our father and went to our respective seats

"What is it that you want to tell us father??" Yonji asked as the other two quietly grabbed their napkins as the maids served our dinner

"Ichiji, do you remember that H/c  (hair color) kid the one you used to play and have a duel with back then?"

We all stopped eating and looked at Father in a confusing expression especially me

Nichiji and Yonji looked at each other then to me whilst Reiju coughed and fixed her collar

I raised an eye brow and slowly nodded still confused at what Father was up to

He hummed and leaned back sighing to himself

"You were the one who burned down the factory...didn't you?" He glared as I nervously looked away nodding my head

"L-Like I said it was just an accident-"

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