Uta x Oni Y/N "Falling For The Gorgeous Oni Lady"

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This is a request from : Alanfredrick-290508
Thank you for requesting Uta! I've been enjoying writing again so far! Since I've been writers block for a couple of weeks before

But not to worry! I'm back on my feet writing more one shots for my fellow readers~!!

So sit back, relax and Enjoy reading my fellow readers~!!



"Remember to return safely okay? And dont you dare ever talk to suspicious people! And make sure to always eat-"

"-okay okay I get it Elder Brother honestly you are always so paranoid whenever I take on missions like these"

I sighed as I flipped the newspapers checking to see new information, and just as I suspected..

This particular news has already spread all over the world and it has been beginning to be a pain in my ass

These new rookies from the new world...Monkey D. Luffy and Trafalgar Law formed an alliance

Whilst Basil Hawkins, Apoo and Eustass Captain Kidd also did the same thing

One of the Seven warlords Don Quixote Doflamingo resigned and this Clown Buggy was added in as the new warlord

Everything has been messed up lately...this is gonna be a lot of paperworks and reports to make when I return home

It's been two years ever since I left Wano and once in a while our Father Kaido requested me to inform them about what was going on, on the outside world

It's not an official job from him but he does pay me so I guess it's a win-win-

"Hello?? Hey! Don't you ever dare ignore me did you hear what I just said?? Oiiii!-"

"Yes, Yes I heard what you said Brother, I'll be careful I promise I'll just have to finish up my job here at the bar and in about five months I'll return to Wano"

I heared a sign in relief from the other sideline of the transponder snail

"Okay good...I'm sorry sis I'm just...worried for your safety"

Smiling and chuckling to myself I sighed hopelessly shaking my head

"Your such a worrylot dear brother that maybe one day you might turn into an old man" I snickered to which made Yamato snap at me

"Hey! I'm only 28 years old Y/N!"

"Uh-huh and I'm 19 years old Yama, okay I gotta get back to work see you soon brother bye bye~"

I clanked the transponder snail and went back to reading the newspapers once more

Until I heard a few pirates coming in making the little hanging bells at the top of the door jingle

"Hey! Pretty Oni Lady! Mind serving us your best booze on the table? We'll pay double!"

The infamous red haired Shanks said lifting his arm up in the air joining his crew shouting

"Hundreds of special booze for our special customers coming right up!"

I chuckled and started to grab hundreds of bottles for the customers whom I think are gonna be the last ones for today

I've seen them a few times but yet for some reason...

There is this particular woman whom I've never seen before yet she seems close to the Red haired pirates

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